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Currently Available

Union (Standard DVD)
DVD - £9.99

DVD - £12.99

Union (2CD)
2CD - £7.99

Rock Of The 70's
DVD - £12.99

The Lost Broadcasts
DVD - £7.99

Rock of the 70s
DVD - £9.99

Gonzo Radio Shows

GONZO WEEKLY #48: Jon meets Oliver Wakeman

Oliver is the first son of Rick Wakeman. His parents divorced when he was young. He worked with Clive Nolan (of Arena) on two progressive rock concept albums, Jabberwocky (released 1999) and Hound ...

GONZO WEEKLY #51: Jon meets Billy Sherwood

Billy Sherwood is the epitome of the 21st Century prog musician. He is involved in so many projects, that when I tried to find a brief encapsulation of them, I found it impo...

GONZO WEEKLY #74: Jon meets Billy Sherwood

Billy Sherwood is a remarkable man.  Of all the people that I have interviewed since I first started my association with Gonzo Multimedia over two years go, I think that Billy is one of the mo...

Latest news

The Lost Broadcasts Available Via Website Read More

Yes - Union DVD
Coming before Christmas......... Read More

Yes Union Package
The Yes Union package is now finally available to order Read More

Specifically applies to Yes Union Orders! Read More

Yes Union Selling Well!
...Only While Stocks Last! Read More

Yes Yes Yes!!!!!
Gonzo Proudly Announce the release of Yes Union Live both on DVD and CD Read More

Yes Friends and Relations Updates
Yes Union standard DVD and CD releases are now in stock Read More

Yes Union Live has hit the number one spot
Yes Union Live has hit the number one spot on the Emusic Download charts for June Read More


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Prog rock

Yes Biography

Yes are quite rightly considered one of the leading lights of the progressive rock scene, a position they have held for more than forty years.

Releasing albums such as Close To The Edge, Tales From Topographic Oceans, Relayer, Going For The One, 90125, The Ladder and Magnification,  the band continue to enjoy huge popularity.  At one point in the early nineties, Yes was joined by eight former members to work with the then line-up on the album Union before embarking on the subsequent tour. This tour was captured on film and also recorded during the final leg, before the band slimmed back down to the line-up that recorded both 90125 and Big Generator.

The members may have changed many times over the years, but one thing Yes can always be guaranteed to provide is hugely memorable and well played music, which crosses all barriers of genre and defies categorization.

The band is still led by founder member Chris Squire and more recently performed to large audiences in 2008 and 2009, both in America and the UK.


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