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Gonzo Latest News: 13/07/2012 YES: Interesting Chris Squire interview

Date Published: 13th July 2012

This is getting to be routine.
About four years ago, Chris Squire of the veteran progressive-rock band Yes called to explain why and how Benoit David had replaced original lead singer Jon Anderson in the then-40-year-old outfit.
Recently, Squire, the group's charter bassist, was back on the blower, this time talking about David's replacement, Jon Davison, who over the next five days, will be introduced to local fans as Yes performs Friday at Tropicana Atlantic City and Wednesday at Sands Casino Resort in Bethlehem.
"We were doing a European leg of the tour to promote ‘Fly From Here' [the group's most recent CD] last year," explained Squire. ?
"At that time Benoit who, I must say, did an excellent job, was the singer. He started having voice problems and we actually had to cancel the last three shows of the tour because he felt he couldn't deliver.
“We just assumed after the New Year he'd be fine, that he'd recover. But it turned out he said he really didn't feel like this was the right fit for him, and he had other responsibilities —he had to take care of family. So we just agreed to find somebody new, and very, very fortunate for us, there was Jon Davison who was ready, willing and able to jump on board. I have to say he has done a fantastic job."?
Read more: https://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/162238455.html#ixzz20UopqqRn
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