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Gonzo Latest News: Yes Union Selling Well!

Date Published: 24th January 2011

The strictly limited edition Yes ‘UNION’ package is selling very well and has received resounding thumbs up from the Yes fan base and also the numerous fan sites devoted to the bands activities.

Some of the comments are

“I snapped one up.  Can’t wait for the postman to bring it”

“I got my copy today! Brilliant.”

“Overall I'm very happy with this. Thumbs up.”

“I ordered the DVD set today and am looking forward to it. YEEHAH! “

“Love, love, love the 5.1 Shock to the System - soooo much better than the album track. “

"Loved the DVD.  Been waiting 20 years for it!"

The package which captures Yes on their UNION tour of 1991 is a double CD/double DVD set with reproduction tour booklet and replica tour passes  and can be ordered exclusively from this website whilst stocks last!

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