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Gonzo Latest News: Yes

Date Published: 7th October 2009

The fantastic new Yes archive DVD release The Lost Broadcasts  is now in stock and being despatched. The DVD features footage of the band performing live on German television in the late sixties and early seventies along with a clip of the band in a lip synching performance of Time And A Word from Belgian TV in 1970 just weeks before Peter Banks departure from the band The DVD contains footage of the band previously not seen and in some cases never broadcast. The one clip released so far has attracted a great many positive comments. See Below:

"This is awesome. Love seeing footage I've never seen before after all these years. Wish they would release the promos on DVD that were shot for the Time and a Word LP. They were pretty cool. Have seen boots of them, but would be nice to have a good copy on DVD."

"Bruford & Squire..what a great rhythm section ! "

"More More More I NEED MORE More please MORE."

"Peter Banks soooo darn underrated.
(don't get me wrong - Steve Howe IS the man, but Peter IS GREAT)"

"More MORE MORE The world needs - not love... MORE OF THIS BAND (Well, love too, I suppose) "

"Absolutely BRILLIANT...so young and fresh...."

"125% (YES) 25 years ahead of its time, YES EU is still a musical influence on me and many others its a wonderful musician! "

"Great image, funny playback..because where was the orchestra? Hahaha"

"Just amazing to be able to see this after 40 years with such an awesome quality... Can't wait to put my hands on this DVD, it will be a very nice company for all the other Yes DVDs. And YES, playback with no shame. Looks like Chris' bass is not even hooked up, but they are all having a very good time... "

For more details check out the website by clicking HERE

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