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GONZO WEEKLY #51: Jon meets Billy Sherwood

Billy Sherwood is the epitome of the 21st Century prog musician. He is involved in so many projects, that when I tried to find a brief encapsulation of them, I found it impossible.  His Wikipedia page is voluminous and described his early days with a band called World Trade, his years with Yes, first as a producer and later as a band  member. His long association with Yes members Chris Squire and Alan White, his production work with Motorhead, Paul Rogers and others, his solo work and his work on various tribute records with multi-stellar lineups.

This year alone we have seen the latest records by his Prog Collective, an all-star tribute to Steve Miller which - amongst other things - featured the last ever recordings by Yes founding guitarist  Peter Banks, and a remarkable (but definitely odd) record with Science Fiction TV's most notable starship captain.

Billy is by anyone's standards a polymath: a musician, composer, producer, engineer and - as the latest album by Days between Stations (who we interviewed last week) pays testament - a remarkably adept, and very meaty drummer.

He is also a very nice man, as I discovered the other day when I phoned him up.


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