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Rick Wakeman - Video Vaults (6DVD box)

Genre: Prog rock
Release Date: 13th December 2010

Label: Voiceprint
Catalogue Number: RICKBOX1
Price: £85.00

Rick Wakeman - Video Vaults

For the last forty years Rick Wakeman has immersed himself in music. Leaving the Royal College of Music, Rick has worked with some of the biggest names in rock and pop music, playing on some of the biggest hits by artists as diverse as Cat Stevens, Marc Bolan and David Bowie. Likewise, he has played with one of the biggest rock bands in the world. As a member of Yes Rick played some of the biggest arenas in the world and released massively successful albums including Fragile, Close To the Edge and the live Yessongs.

In 1973 he released his first proper solo album The Six Wives of Henry the VIII, following that album up in the seventies and eighties with other hugely popular and successful albums.

In the eighties Rick also recorded albums in the then popular genre entitled New Age.

Releasing such popular albums as The Aspirant Series of recordings (Aspirant Sunrise, Aspirant Sunset and Aspirant Sunshadows). More recently Rick Wakeman has toured with his fellow former Yes musician Jon Anderson. Together they have toured and released one studio album, The Living Tree.

The Video Vault, as the title suggests, is a boxed set of six DVDs covering a number of performances and concerts that had been gathering dust in the Wakeman vaults. As a gift for the ultimate Wakeman fan, this boxed set of DVDs would be an ideal gift. As a collector the box also gathers together a number of key concerts and performances from Rick’s long and varied career. Dusted down and presented here, the six DVDs include...


Live at the Empire Pool---King Arthur on Ice (1975)

Live at the Maltings (1976)

Swedish Television Special (1980)

1984 Live at the Hammersmith Odeon (1981)

Night Music

Rarities plus Interviews

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