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Hugh Hefner - Tony Palmer's 1973 Film About Hugh Hefner - The Founder and Editor of Playboy (DVD)

Genre: Biographical
Release Date: 9th June 2014

Label: Tony Palmer
Catalogue Number: TPDVD165
Price: £12.99

Hugh Hefner - Tony Palmer's 1973 Film About Hugh Hefner - The Founder and Editor of Playboy

As distasteful as one might have expected.”  The Daily Express

We had no money at all, and I mean literally no money. I doubt that any major magazine in our time has ever been started with as little initial investment. My own investment in Playboy was $600, all of it borrowed. The entire enterprise is now valued, in 1973, at something around $200 million.

The real essence of Playboy was trying to put not just sex, but the whole notion of play and pleasure, back into the American concept of living. And that proved to be a little more revolutionary than I realised when I started.” Hugh Hefner


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