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Browse By Genre: Biographical

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Displaying 1 to 7 of 7 items (page 1 of 1 pages)

C J Stone - The Empire of Things (Book) £14.99

C.J. Stone wrote a column for the Guardian Weekend from 1993 till 1998. It was called Housing Benefit Hill and won the writer much acclaim. He has also written columns for the Big Issu...
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Dan Wooding - King Squealer (Book) £9.99

"There have always been certain 'careers' that have fascinated the public, newspapers and the media in general. Such include musicians, actors, sportsmen, police and not surprisingly, the people wh...
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Hugh Hefner - Tony Palmer's 1973 Film About Hugh Hefner - The Founder and Editor of Playboy (DVD) £12.99

“As distasteful as one might have expected.”  The Daily Express “We had no money at all, and I mean literally no money. I doubt that any major magazine i...
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Liberace - The World of Liberace (DVD) £9.99

Liberace himself called the book The Things I Love and this DVD is nothing more nor less than precisely that, as told to film maker Tony Palmer. ...
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Liberace - The World of Liberace (Book) £12.99

Liberace himself takes us on a guided tour of his Hollywood and Palm Springs homes and his treasured possessions. A celebrated connoisseur of antiques, Liberace tells us about the origins and ...
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Michael Crawford - The Fantastic World Of (DVD) £9.99

Michael Crawford has starred in some of the biggest box-office hits of all time.  From Frank Spencer in Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em, to the original Phantom in Phantom of the Opera...
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Richard Burton - In From The Cold? The World of Richard Burton (DVD) £7.99

Few great actors in my experience have been so unfairly represented in the public image.  Drunk, a wastrel, uncontrollable, unprofessional, besot...
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