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Dan Wooding - King Squealer (Book)

Genre: Biographical
Release Date: 15th November 2013

Label: Gonzo
Catalogue Number: 9781908728357
Price: £9.99

Dan Wooding - King Squealer

"There have always been certain 'careers' that have fascinated the public, newspapers and the media in general. Such include musicians, actors, sportsmen, police and not surprisingly, the people who give the police their employment: The criminal. For the man in the street all of these have one thing in common: the are seemingly beyond both his reach and, in many cases, understanding and such, his only association can be through the media of newspapers and television. The police, however, will always require the services of the grass, the squealer, the snitch, (call him what you will), in order to assist in their investigation and arrests; and amazingly this is the area that rarely gets written about."


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