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Rick Wakeman - The Mixture (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 29th September 2003

Label: Voiceprint
Catalogue Number: VPTCCD5
Price: £7.99

Rick Wakeman - The Mixture

This is a very mixed bag of live performances from over the years. It also includes some classic vocal contributions by Ashley Holt, which were taken from one of the only two shows that Ashley, and Rick ever performed together as a duo.

There is also another rare vocal moment with a performance by the guitarist Fraser Thorneycroft-Smith on 'space oddity' and 'Life on Mars'. Adam Wakeman also duets with his father on 'Burlington Arcade', 'Space Oddity', 'Life on Mars', 'The Jig', 'The Breathalyser' (on which he also vocalises), and 'Clair de Lune'.



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