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Matt Malley - The Goddess Within (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 23rd March 2009

Label: Voiceprint
Catalogue Number: VP462CD
Price: £7.99

Matt Malley - The Goddess Within

Matt Malley will best be known as the bassist and founder member of American rock band Counting Crows.

Whilst Matt was with the band between the years 1990 and 2004, they achieved massive worldwide success, releasing a number of hugely successful albums and touring the world. Matt also received nominations for an Oscar, Grammy and a Golden Globe award.

Since leaving Counting Crows Matt has concentrated on his craft as a bassist and working in his own recording studio on his own work and production for others. More importantly, he has finished work on his debut album as a solo artist.

This debut album from Matt Malley entitled Goddess Within will surely appeal to those fans that have followed his career with the Counting Crows and beyond.

The album features ten tracks including Feel, Our Queen, Magic Garden and The Dawning Of Your Day.



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