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Mike Westbrook - Good Friday 1663 (CD)

Genre: Jazz
Release Date: 2nd December 2002

Label: Jazzprint
Catalogue Number: JPVP120CD
Price: £7.99

Mike Westbrook - Good Friday 1663

Good Friday continues the long awaited re-issues of the Westbrook Music Theatre productions. The music is arranged and directed by Mike Westbrook with vocals by Kate Westbrook, this C.D. will be a must for their combined loyal fanbase.

Mike Westbrook is internationally known as a piano and tuba player, as well as a bandleader, composer and arranger. Over the years he has fused jazz with poetry, theatre and the visual arts, and has enlarged the jazz concept by utilising a rich concoction of influences: rock, folk and world music. Mike was awarded the OBE in 1988.



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