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Labels: Jazzprint

Available now on Jazzprint

Mike Westbrook - Dance Band -"Pierides".
(CD) £7.99

Mike Westbrook - Good Friday 1663.
(CD) £7.99

Mike Westbrook - L'Ascenseur/The Lift .
(CD) £7.99

Mike Westbrook - Platterback .
(CD) £7.99

Mike Westbrook - The Ass .
(CD) £7.99

Satoko Fujii Quartet - Minerva.
(CD) £7.99

Wrong Object - Platform One .
(CD) £9.99

Label Biography:

Jazzprint was one of the earliest labels in the Voiceprint stable, along with Blueprint. As the name suggests the label is the outlet for more Jazz inclined releases which include traditional and modern, new and old. Some of the most successful and popular releases have been from the archive end of the market.  Jazzprint also releases music from the more current end of the jazz market, including albums by respected British musician, Mike Westbrook.

Artists on Jazzprint

Creme Anglaise
Mike Westbrook
Satoko Fujii Quartet
Various Artists
Wrong Object

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