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Bill Bruford - The Winterfold Collection 1979-1986 (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 2nd February 2009

Label: Winterfold
Catalogue Number: BBWF010CD
Price: £7.99

Bill Bruford - The Winterfold Collection 1979-1986

Bill Bruford’s name is synonymous with state-of-the-art drumming and percussion, and is famously associated with several of the greatest progressive rock groups of all time: Yes, King Crimson, Genesis, and UK. He also managed to notch up sessions with Gong, Roy Harper, Pavlov’s Dog, and National Health among many others in the first half of a distinguished 41-year career. But it is as a solo artist and leader that he really had room to stretch and develop as an all-rounder.

Between 1978 and 1986 Bill recorded a number of  albums as both a leader of his band Bruford, and in a duo with keyboardist Patrick Moraz. Winterfold Records was founded in 2004 to document his extensive solo career in rock, and all the albums recorded during this period have been re-mastered and reissued on the label.

This CD is a collection of thirteen of the best tracks from across six Winterfold albums and includes material drawn from the albums Feels Good To Me (Seems Like A Lifetime Ago Parts 1&2, Sample And Hold), One Of A Kind (Hell’s Bells), Gradually Going Tornado (Age Of Information, Sliding Door), Bruford/Moraz (Flags, Blue Brains). 

Still on the electric rock side of a transition to acoustic jazz, the Winterfold Collection would act as an excellent introduction to the first half of the exciting career of one of the most influential drummers of the last 4 decades.



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