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Bruford - Feels Good To Me (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 7th March 2005

Label: Winterfold
Catalogue Number: BBWF003CD
Price: £7.99

Bruford - Feels Good To Me

Bill Bruford was a founding member of Yes through the years 1968-1972 and whilst with the band recorded five albums each of which was more successful than its predecessor. When Bill left Yes in 1972 following the release of Close To The Edge, there were those who concluded that he'd taken leave of his senses. But it proved an astute musical move. As King Crimson's enigmatic leader Robert Fripp decided to split the band after three tumultuous albums and move on to other projects, Bill moved to playing countless sessions and was also briefly a member of the bands National Health, Gong and more famously, Genesis, where he played alongside Phil Collins who had just stepped up to the microphone following the departure of Peter Gabriel. Bill was the drummer in the live Genesis situation and was with the band for the majority of 1976 while the band toured their album A Trick Of The Tail.

Following his tenure with Genesis, Bill recorded his debut album as a leader, Feels Good To Me, released 1978. Considered a solo album, it predated the official start of the band Bruford although it features musical performances from many of the musicians who would go on to work with Bill full-time in that group.

The album features a number of key tracks including the instrumental tracks Beelzebub and Sample And Hold. Vocalist Annette Peacock contributes vocals to four tracks and a co-writing credit on the track Adios a la Pasada (Goodbye To The Past). Elsewhere the album features performances from keyboardist Dave Stewart, bassist Jeff Berlin, guitarists Allan Holdsworth and John Goodsall (Brand X) and flugelhorn player Kenny Wheeler.

This re-issue of Feels Good To Me has been re-mastered and also includes a bonus track in the form of an unreleased version of Joe Frazier.



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