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Bill Bruford - Sampler And Interview (DVD)

Genre: Jazz
Release Date: 6th October 2008

Label: Summerfold
Catalogue Number: BBSF021DVD
Price: £9.99

Bill Bruford - Sampler And Interview

Bill Bruford is perhaps best known for his work with British bands Yes and King Crimson. In his time he has also performed with Genesis and UK. He has also led his own bands Bruford and the more straight ahead jazz combo Earthworks that he leads to this day. Bill Bruford has also recorded a great many albums with various other like-minded jazz musicians such as Patrick Moraz, Ralph Towner and Michiel Borstlap, many of which are available from his two labels, Summerfold and Winterfold Records.

Throughout this DVD, Bill introduces and discusses footage of his groups Bruford, Earthworks, Bruford-Borstlap, and the World Drummer’s Ensemble during an in-depth interview with music journalist Jon Kirkman.

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