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World Drummers Ensemble - A Coat Of Many Colours (CD)

Genre: Jazz
Release Date: 13th December 2010

Label: Summerfold
Catalogue Number: BBSF015DD
Price: £7.99

World Drummers Ensemble - A Coat Of Many Colours

Doudou Diaye Rose - Sabar and Gorom Babass

Chad Wackerman - Acoustic drums, Pitched drums and Pitched cymbals.

Luis Conte Conga Drums, Timbales, Cajon, Percussion

Bill Bruford Acoustic and Electronic drums

Four percussion masters, global leaders in their respective disciplines, come together for a highly-charged musical exchange; explosive, unpredictable, and unusual. Doudou Diaye Rose (Senagalese master of the sabar), Chad Wackerman, (Frank Zappa, Allan Holdsworth), Luis Conte (Madonna, Michael Jackson), and Bill Bruford (Yes, King Crimson, Earthworks ), are known internationally as The World Drummers Ensemble. For those unfamiliar with, or unpersuaded by, the astonishing and increasing grip of the percussive arts as an innovative force in music across continents, this Dual Disc CD / DVD offers conclusive proof, were any needed, that rhythm beats at the heart of all things.

The music includes pieces from all members, but also from Switzerland via Pierre Favre, Turkey via the Harem Percussion Group, America via Max Roach, and there's even a re-working of King Crimson's B'Boom�. This Dual Disc CD audio/ DVD documents over an hour of their ambitious programme from concerts in Amsterdam and Brussels, and includes a complimentary 15-minute DVD on the reverse side.


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