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Bill Bruford's Earthworks - All Heaven Broke Loose (CD)

Genre: Jazz
Release Date: 2nd May 2005

Label: Summerfold
Catalogue Number: BBSF011CD
Price: £7.99

Bill Bruford's Earthworks - All Heaven Broke Loose

Bill Bruford was a founding member of Yes through the years 1968-1972 and whilst with the band recorded five albums each of which was more successful than its predecessor. When Bill left Yes in 1972 following the release of Close To The Edge, there were those who concluded that he'd taken leave of his senses. But it proved an astute musical move. As King Crimson's enigmatic leader Robert Fripp decided to split the band after three tumultuous albums and move on to other projects, Bill moved to playing countless sessions, and was also briefly a member of the bands National Health, Gong and more famously, Genesis, where he played alongside Phil Collins who had just stepped up to the microphone following the departure of Peter Gabriel. Bill was the live drummer through 1976 while the band toured their album A Trick Of The Tail. His debut album as a leader, Feels Good To Me, was released 1978 and he went on to form the band Bruford, recording two further studio albums and a live album before returning to King Crimson in the early eighties.

Earthworks, born 1987, was designed from the start to ruffle feathers. Featuring the 'taboo' electronic drums, rock technology and the jazz sensibilities of a new group of fresh players from the anarchic London jazz scene of the eighties, it was bound to make heads turn.

'The perfect antidote to the increasingly grotesque jazz-fusion scene.' The Scotsman

The acoustic front line of Django Bates, Iain Ballamy and Mick Hutton was a strong and powerful contrast to the electronic percussion supplied by Bruford and the band received many international critical plaudits.

By 1991 and the release of the third album, All Heaven Broke Loose, much of the chordal work in the band was delivered astonishingly by Bill from the drums; heard to good effect here on the title track, and Candles Still Flicker in Romania's Dark. Other key tracks include the House-inspired Splashing Out, and the North-African influenced Pigalle.

This recording of All Heaven Broke Loose has been re-mastered and includes two bonus tracks: Libreville and Pilgrim's Way.

As with other albums in the Summerfold series of releases, All Heaven Broke Loose comes re-packaged with a bonus disc containing music from the contrasting Winterfold catalogue and an exclusive interview with Bill Bruford.



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