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Jefferson Airplane, The Grateful Dead, Joan Baez a - Berkeley in the Sixties (DVD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 6th April 2009

Label: ABC
Catalogue Number: ABCVP133DVD
Price: £9.99

Jefferson Airplane, The Grateful Dead, Joan Baez a - Berkeley in the Sixties
The sixties were a turbulent and at times violent decade. As the youth tried to break out of the confines set by the previous generation,  the old were puzzled by the sometimes outrageous behaviour of the young. The establishment and the younger generation seemed intent on colliding.

This award-nominated documentary tries to explain what went on more particularly in Berkeley, California, which at the time seemed to be at the epicentre of some of the changes and the birth pangs of a new generation. It covers subjects like The Black Panthers, the student movement and free speech movement, and of course the anti-war movement. Interviews with Allen Ginsberg, Mario Savio and Huey Newton all give their impressions on what it was like in California during the sixties …A time of almost revolution.

With a backdrop of some of the most exciting music to come out of the sixties from bands like Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead, Joan Baez and many more. Berkeley in the sixties is a fascinating glimpse back in time where almost everything and anything was possible.


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