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Product Reviews

Product: Clearlight - Impressionist Symphony
Date: 2014-08-01 

Impressionist Symphony

CLEARLIGHT The Impressionist Symphony
The Impressionist Symphony

Prog time!  And it turns out that “Impressionist Symphony”, celebrates the 40th anniversary of “Clearlight Symphony”. I would have sent a card, but it was too late, and the shop didn’t have a “sorry I forgot your progtastic anniversary” card.
Seems that Clearlight wanted to take the classical composers, such as Ravel, Debussy and Satie and mix it up with the ethos behind the French impressionist painters, and see what happened.  Which is just about as prog as you can get without dragons.
There are a plethora of top prog names on this album, with Cyrille Verdeaux (piano, synths), Steve Hillage (guitars), Didier Malherbe (wind instruments), Craig Fry (violin), Vincent Thomas Penny (guitars), Paul Sears (drums, percussion), Linda Cushma (bass), Chris Kovacks (synths), Remy Tran (synths) and Tim Blake (xils synths, theramin).  And that’s a lot of Gong to be getting on with.
And it’s an absolute cracker, with the opening ‘Renoir En Couleur’, my particular favourite.  I don’t normally approve of anythng French, but it’s hard to resist a track called ‘Time Is Monet’, and this has ended up being one of my favourite prog albums of the year so far.
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