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Product Reviews

Product: Clearlight - Impressionist Symphony
Date: 2014-05-26 

Impressionist Symphony

When I first started to listen to the CD Impressionist Symphony by Clearlight, I didn’t think I was going to like it. The beginning starts off with some soft piano and just thought the album was going to kind of bore me. While its not a very heavy it did put me in a good mood.

I decided I’d listen to it while I was making dinner and after the first bit Impressionist Symphony picked up a little bit, adding in some nice electric guitar a violin. It kind of reminds me of Trans Siberian Orchestra but a little softer with more classical and jazz style influences. The guitar was more of a background instrument but it blended really well with everything else. 

Clearlight did a really good job on this album though I think some of the synth effects could have not been used it was still really nice and relaxing to listen to.


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