Product Reviews
Product: Wally - Montpellier
Date: 2012-04-06
Montpellier by Lee Roberts on Monday, March 26, 2012 - 8:31PArtist: Wally
Album: Montpellier
Members: Roy Webber, Paul Middleton, Pete Sage, Roger Narraway, Will Jackson, Nick Glennie-Smith, Frank Mizen
Label: AIS
Tracks: 8
Release Date: November 8, 2011
Discs: 1
( )GRADE: C+
I liked every song on this album except for one, ‘Sister Moon’. It was the lyrics of the song coupled with the whine of the vocals that got on my nerves. By repeating the lyric “sister” so many times along with the drawn out cords for some of the lyrics I couldn’t enjoy the song. I don’t know if this song was supposed to be mellow or not but it ended up being too slow for me to get interested in listening to. Though, this was the only song that I didn’t like, the rest of the album is really good. I was actually amazed by the song ‘Surfing’ and have listened to it the most. This one song gives the whole album it’s true feel, one of grandeur, like it’s a set of songs that would be played during a very dramatic play.
Wally has put out a CD that does what I like the most, it changes up the sound of the songs with each song. Taking songs that start with someone talking, then going into a song that’s mellow with a slow beat into a rock song before going back to being a mellow song. The beats in these songs are fun, they made me do a little dancing bob in my chair, I was tapping my foot, and a few times tapping out the beat on the desk. Listening to this album was almost like being put into a story where it was the soundtrack for myself as I went along for the ride.