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Paul Buff/Frank Zappa - Paul Buff Presents Highlights From The Pal and Original Studio Archives (5CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 30th March 2015

Label: Crossfire
Catalogue Number: 9516-2
Price: £39.99

Paul Buff/Frank Zappa - Paul Buff Presents Highlights From The Pal and Original Studio Archives

From 1957 to 1964, Paul Buff owned Pal Recording Studio in Cucamonga, California.  Musicians from all around came to Pal to record, and the studio produced classics like The Surfaris' "Wipe Out."  Paul Buff moved to Original Sound Recording Studios in Hollywood and sold his Pal studio to Frank Zappa in 1964.  Buff's studio wizardry is legendary, as evidenced by the 156 tracks on this DVD-sized collection.  The 40-page colour illustrated booklet discusses all the artists and songs on the set, which includes 58 early tracks with Frank Zappa involvement.  The CDs contain reproductions of the original record labels that Paul Buff ran in the early 1960s.  Many of the tracks are making their CD debuts, and the original releases of these tracks would literally cost thousands if you could find them!



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