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Rick Wakeman - Gole/Almost Live in Europe (2CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 26th January 2015

Label: Bat Country
Catalogue Number: BC241-60
Price: £9.99

Rick Wakeman - Gole/Almost Live in Europe

Gole’ is another of Rick’s soundtrack albums taken from the film of the same name which was a sporting feature on the 1982 World Cup. The album features Rick alongside long time percussionist Tony Fernandez and Jackie McAuley former guitarist of the legendary Irish rock band Them. The album has been unavailable for some time and this recording will be the first time it has seen a release on CD and has been re mastered for release which will prove popular with the large Rick Wakeman fan base.

Tracks: International Flag/The Dove (Opening Ceremony)/Wayward Spirit/Latin Reel (Theme From Gole)/Red Island/Spanish Holiday/No Possible/Shadows/Black Pearls/Frustration/Spainish Montage/

Almost Live In Europe is a live album that has been re worked in the recording studio. Hence the title Almost Live In Europe. The band were recorded during the tour of Europe in Italy in 1995. The line up of the English Rock Ensemble is a strange one as it doesn’t feature a guitarist.

On hearing the tapes Rick decided to “fix” the album in the recording studio which accounts for the honest title of the album.

Tracks: Elizabethan Rock/Make Me A Woman/Catherine of Argon/A Crying Heart/Jane Seymour/A Crying Heart Pt 2/
The Realisation/The Prisoner/King Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot and The Black Knight/The Last Battle


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