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Attrition - The Hand That Feeds/A Tricky Business (2CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 6th October 2014

Label: Bat Country
Catalogue Number: BC241-12
Price: £9.99

Attrition - The Hand That Feeds/A Tricky Business

The Hand That Feeds - Including exclusive mixes of ATTRITION classics from some of the biggest names in the industrial scene such as Chris n' Cosey, In The Nursery, Stromkern, Dance or Die, New Mind, Regenerator, Morbus Kitahara, various techno and drum n bass dj's and more...Compiled and editied over 3 years and distilled from over a double albums submissions…The Hand That Feeds takes Attrition songs to whole new places… from a variety of twisted dancefloor genres to the final avant-garde experimentalism… the individual tracks have enjoyed club play worldwide …and have since graced many a scene sampler CD…This edition has been remastered and included a previously unreleased bonus mix from UK experimental artist Flip Shriner.
Track Listing – I Am A Thief – Intro, Cold Genius, Cosmetic Citizen, Lip Sync, I Am (Eternity), White Men Talk, The Mercy Machine, My Friend is Golden, Acid Tongue, The Second Hand, IAE, Ephemeral, One Of These Mornings 

A Tricky Business is one of ATTRITION’s most successful releases….containing as it does their most well known song - ”A girl called harmony”  (featured on the dance floors of gothic clubs the world over and now enjoying life on a succession of gothic/industrial sampler CD’s…including Germany’s Orkus magazine’s Best of the 90’s..) . The album signalled a 90’s rebirth for Attrition as mainman Martin Bowes’ first use of computer technology resulted in a new twist to his dark electronic music production – ranging from dance to neo-classical to experimental ambience… and his lyrical depths are complemented by the stunning operatic voice of regular singer Julia Waller. A Tricky Business was the first album to feature cover artwork from English artist Mark Lomax. The album has been totally remastered by Martin Bowes and this edition includes both the 3 extra tracks from the CD version and a bonus track – the 12” mix of “Something in my eye” from the 1992 single…

Track Listing - Thin Red Line, Right Hand Man, Scenario, First Love, A Girl Called Harmony, The Rising Tide i. Recollection ii. The Tide Is Rising, Legitimate Son, Hush, Something In My Eye, Under The Bridge, Resurrection (reprise), Something In My Eye 12


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