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Firemerchants - Firemerchants (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 24th November 2014

Label: Gonzo
Catalogue Number: HST262CD
Price: £9.99

Firemerchants - Firemerchants

Firemerchants are another one of those horribly unjustly overlooked bands that deserved so much better. They were formed by guitarist John Goodsall (BABYLON, BRAND X, SANDOZ) and drummer Chester Thompson (ZAPPA, WEATHER REPORT, GENESIS) who recruited bassist/percussionist Doug Lunn for a first album, FIRE MERCHANTS

The music combines the awesome Goodsall/Thompson fire power with a metallic edge. The guys make a lot of noise, do some fantastic playing and have exciting grooves. Imagine a more aggressive and electric version of BRAND X and you'll have an idea of what they sound like.

They have released two rock fusion albums to date, a self-titled LP in 1986 (whose CD version contains an extra track) and a CD in 1996.

The first (self-titled) consists of electric guitar improvisations with intense riffs and rhythms where Goodsall deftly shows off his pyrotechnics while Lunn and Thomson put down workman-like performances, getting the occasional spotlight along the way. This is an excellent album for those who enjoy electric guitar in a fairly heavy jazz-rock context. Their second album, "Lanlords of Atlantis", is still fusion but leans even more on the prog-metal side. It is solid enough for fans of Goodsall's axe-work, in fact for the most diehard proggy axe-heads. This is MAHAVISHNU's "Birds of Fire" meets DREAM THEATER. It smokes!

If the idea of "fusion meets metal" turns you on, then you're in for a sizzler with those FIRE MERCHANTS.


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