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Bill Monroe/Carmen Miranda - The Father of Bluegrass/Brazilian Bomb (2CD)

Genre: Nostalgia
Release Date: 15th September 2014

Label: Bat Country
Catalogue Number: BC241-43
Price: £3.99

Bill Monroe/Carmen Miranda - The Father of Bluegrass/Brazilian Bomb


Features Bill Monroe’s "The Father of Bluegrass" and Carmen Miranda’s "Brazilian Bombshell".



Tracks: Molly and Tenbrooks (The Race Horse Song), Sweetheart, You Done Me Wrong, Blue Grass Breakdown, My Rose of Old Kentucky, Little Cabin Home on the Hill, Blue Yodel No. 4, Mother’s Only Sleeping, Blue Yodel No.7, Toy Heart, Blue Moon of Kentucky, Footprints in the Snow, Rocky Road Blues, Kentucky Waltz, Back Up and Push, In The Pines, Heavy Traffic Ahead, Honky Tonk Swing, Orange Blossom Special, Tennessee Blues, Katy Hill, I Wonder If You Feel The Way I Do, Dog House Blues, Six White Horses, No Letter in the Mail, Mule Skinner Blues



Tracks: Mama Eu Quero (I Want My Mama), Bambu-Bambu, South American Way, Co, Co, Co, Co, Co, Co, Ro, Touradas Em Madrid, I, Yi, Yi, Yi, Yi (I Like You Very Much), Chica Chica Boom Chic, Cae, Cae, Alo…Alo, Arca de Noe, A Weekend in Havana, The Man With the Lolipop Song, Rebola a Bola, When I Love I Love, Ella Diz Que Tem, Nao Te Dou a Chepeta, Manuelo, Chattanooga Choo Choo, Tic-Tac Do Meu Coracao, O Passo Do Kanguru (Brazilly Willy), Boneca de Pixe, Upa Upa, Tico-Tico, The Matador, Cuanto le Gusta


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