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Atkins May Project - Empire of Destruction (CD/DVD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 29th September 2014

Label: Gonzo
Catalogue Number: HST286CD
Price: £9.99

Atkins May Project - Empire of Destruction

Al Atkins is best known for forming UK’s Judas Priest and fronting them for four years, and laying down the foundations that would see them eventually selling 40 million albums worldwide. He also wrote songs for them that went gold like Dreamer Deceiver, Never Satisfied, Winter, Caviar and Meths, and Priest’s all time classic Victim of Changes. Al’s unique powerful vocal style sites influences by noted rock singers Roger Daltrey, Paul Rodgers and longtime friend Robert Plant. Al has done countless radio and TV interviews worldwide and recently was filmed for BBC TV British Heritage and Banger Films Canada for the metal evolution series on VH1. He has even written a book on his musical life about growing up in Birmingham, UK, alongside Robert Plant and Black Sabbath, called Dawn of the Metal Gods. Al has released 6 solo albums to date, toured the US twice, and has worked with Brian Tatler (Diamond Head), Dave Holland (Judas Priest), Dennis Stratton (Iron Maiden) and Bernie Torme (Ozzy/Gillan). Al recently released a new self-titled album with his offshoot band Holy Rage and has now teamed up with brilliant Christian writer/guitarist Paul May and recorded an album called ‘Serpent’s Kiss’, which Al says are the best recordings to date!

Paul May is another kettle of fish. Some people learn to play guitar, Paul was born (again) to play guitar! Paul has become respected for his passionate, soulful guitar work and noted for his explosive and exciting solos. As a world-class professional guitarist and songwriter, Paul has played and recorded sessions across the globe, touring and playing throughout the UK, Europe, USA and the Eastern block. Paul appears on around 50 albums to date, featured in both the secular and Christian arenas. Paul is also a record producer and has covered the entire spectrum of musical tastes in production. Paul has played, recorded with and produced alongside the bands and members of: Al Atkins (Judas Priest), Dave Holland (Judas Priest), Roy Wood (Move, ELO, Wizard), Jon Brooks (The Charlatans), Smokin Roadie/Tempest, MC5, V-Rats, Janus, A.N.D, Dave Rowley Band, Larry Norman and many others. Along with working with Al Atkins, Paul currently plays guitar with A.N.D and Temple Dogs.

They teamed up about four years ago, and this is their third album, which takes them into slightly more progressive territory than the first two, whilst maintaining their normal high standards. Highly recommended.

Comes with a FREE BONUS DVD!

Click above to watch video


 Review: French Review




. 01 A World At War, 02. The Midas Touch, 03. Here Comes The Rain 04. Darkness Within,05. Reckless Child, 06 . Paranoia, 07. Are You Ready, 08. Dog Eat Dog, 09. Whisper To The Wind, 10. End Of The Earth TRAINING: Al Atkins (Vocals), Paul May (guitars) TAG: 80's ,Epic , Old School , hoarse singing


Written by Noise on 10/09/2014

With "Empire Of Destruction" Al Atkins and Paul May we suggest the third album of their project launched in 2010 The former lead singer of Judas Priest and not lose more time and even if this career is confidential man clearly pleased without thinking about retirement. The first two discs of the universe logically duo had a very old school in terms of heavy metal with trends ranging from  Dio , Maiden to Judas Priest . "Empire Of Destruction" confirms that road with old, recalling his pocket productions Manilla Road , typical vintage sound very 80s.
And as long as one is a good time amateur we will listen to this very classy disc. Despite his 66 years Al Atkinsremains an interesting singer near a Dio. Certainly it does not have the power of youth, but it retains a passion and a very interesting energy. His friend on guitar confirms an enormous talent for typical riffs and solos of good old heavy metal. And 'A World At War', 'The Midas Touch', 'Reckless Child' or 'Dog Eat Dog' they do the job with ease and a beautiful metallic writing worthy 80s.
But the musicians also have the intelligence to propose a few changes with longer songs. Pretty epic, 'Here Comes The Rain' and 'Whisper To The Wind' show that Atkins and May can succeed in a more progressive style. There are some beautiful passages air guitar and a melodic voice with a convincing felted grain, all in the spirit of Saxonera "Crusader".
30 years ago, "Empire Of Destruction" would certainly have met with great success esteem. Today, he probably speaks only a few nostalgic sound and music of another era. However we must respect the work of these artisans a heavy metal old proudly resistant to time and modes.

More information about https://www.atkinsmayproject.com/

 Review: SoT Review

Atkins May Project: Empire of Destruction

Posted by Steven Reid, SoT Staff Writer on 2014-10-22 18:38:13
My Score: 

Empire Of Destruction is the third traditional metal offering from original Judas Priest singer Al Atkins and guitar supremo Paul May, and thankfully it continues on from where the excellent Valley Of Shadows left off a couple of years back. May is a fine guitarist, possessing the ability to hammer out rampaging riffs and searing solos, as his vocal mate gargles grittily (but tunefully) to great effect; resulting in an album brimming with the sort of metal anthems that have you punching the air. Yes, it's a simple formula, yet plenty of bands don't hit this hard while following the very same "metal rules". Take "Dog Eat Dog" and its pounding beat and call and response vocal-guitar trade off. You've heard it plenty of times before but there's little denying that done this well the results are still amazingly captivating. Priest (natch), Maiden and Saxon can all be seen as touching points (if anyone deserves to be allowed to relive these days, then surely it's Atkins? After all he was there in the first place), however in places the more pompous excursions of Magnum also comes to mind, offering a welcome change of pace to the likes of "Whisper To The Wind", or lengthy, ambitious "Here Comes The Rain". 

However, at the risk of sounding negative, three albums in, is it possibly time for Atkins May Project to become Atkins May Band? For while, as with previous AMP albums, the drum programming does verge on excellent, the lack of a live drummer sucks just a little of the life out of the pacier selections presented. Imagine the likes of "The Midas Touch" and "World At War" with say, Vinny Appice laying down the law and the results could be spectacular indeed. The other negative shows up in May's production, which seems to lack the absolute clarity of his previous work, although not in a way which saps too much of the ferocity from an otherwise excellent piece of work. 

Interestingly the bonus track "End Of The Earth" is written and partly performed by artist Rodney Matthews and it has to said that the slightly Proggier feel to the track works really well, while the (slightly renamed) Thin Lizzy cover "R U Ready" also gets a convincing reworking. 

As an added bonus, the first 1000 copies of the CD comes with a bonus DVD, featuring four music videos from across the Atkins May catalogue, an interesting and surprisingly effective acoustic track and an interview with the two protagonists and a separate piece with Matthews regarding his Atkins May album art. It's a nice, if watch only once, addition, although some detail in the booklet of what the DVD contains, would have been helpful.

Through their sound and even the excellent album art (line up all three Rodney Matthews adorned AMP albums and they look superb), Atkins and May appear to be harking back to a particular time and place with their vintage take on the metal genre, but when they do it so well, who's complaining? At the risk of simply echoing my esteemed colleague's thoughts above, hopefully the next logical step is for Atkins May Project to form a full band and put in some stage time before album number four hits the shelves. If that's the case, what comes next could be utterly massive!

 Review: Belgium review translated

ATKINS MAY PROJECT - Empire Of Destruction (CD + DVD)/ Published on 24-10-2014 /

At 67, Al Atkins back on the pulpit of the preacher to plead the cause of Heavy Metal. The one who was the speaker of Judas Priest between 1969 and 1973 (NDR : before ordination of Father Halford) returns to center stage to introduce ourselves "Empire Of Destruction" , the latest addition to this Atkins May Project that shares with Christian guitarist Paul May . Nothing has changed since the release of the previous installment ( "Valley Of Shadows " ). Since two years ago, Atkins and May are alone at the controls. The first handles the vocals, the second string and production. The booklet is still no mention of drummer and you have probably inferred that the duo uses a machine to mark the rhythm of his compositions. If the style of the latter is still relatively close to the Classic Heavy Rock, pre-NWOBHM that played Judas Priest sometime in the seventies, it is however possible to say that "Empire Of Destruction"sounds like an album of traditional Priest. The husky timbre and deep Atkins is probably the main reason for this state of affairs. As skillfully emphasizes the writer of the bio provided by Gonzo Multimedia label  : 'it seems that it touts every morning with a decoction of razor blades. We can not accuse Paul May have modeled its parts 'solo' in terms of Tipton and Downing as his style is closer to that of 'shredders' eighties as famous 'twin guitar' gang of Birmingham . May, remember, is a well-known studio shark middle 'Christian Rock' which to put his guitar lines on a good fifty albums by international artists. Everyone will appreciate "Empire Of Destruction" on its own terms. Younger will find it dated and tired and forget it quickly. Nostalgic, including us, will greet the return of this historical figure of the metal and the authentic side of the Heavy Rock. They will appreciate the warrior spirit of titles such as "World At War" and"The Midas Touch" , they will be moved by the subtle melodies of "Here Comes The Rain" and "Whisper To The Wind" and headbangeront on biting midges that are "The Darkness Within" and "Reckless Child" . They regret, however, that the duo did not appeal to external ear 'to help improve a sound production that often lacks power and finesse. 's wallet, we find sublime, was designed by English artist Rodney Matthewswhose works illustrate many classic Rock and Metal, for example, the "On A Story Teller's Night" from Magnum , the "Aqua" of Asia , the "Crazy Nights" for Tygers Of Pan Tang or the "Time Tells No Lies" the Praying Mantis . offered bonus DVD is nice but nothing special. We discover some video clips made ​​with a budget and a nice interview of the two protagonists of the case. "Empire Of Destruction" is neither better nor worse than its predecessor and that's probably where the low hurts. We shared the immense respect we feel for Al Atkins and unpleasant than the plate, and full of great compositions, would have been more enjoyable if it had benefited from better production sensation. album (58'01 )  :
World At War (5'37)
The Midas Touch (4'26)
Here Comes The Rain (9'07)
The Darkness Within (4'37)
Reckless Child (5'14)
Paranoia (5'01)
RU Ready (2'34)
Dog Eat Dog (4'40)
Whisper To The Wind (12'44)
End Of The Earth (bonus track) (3'57)
On the DVD  : 
Video Clips
Welcome To The Nightmare
The shallowing (Unplugged)
The Darkness Within (4'37)
Enslaved To Love (3'57)
Interviews Paul May and Al Atkins. 
Group  :
Al Atkins  : Chant
Paul May  : Guitars
Michael Serry

 Review: US review

Atkins May Project - Empire of Destruction CD Album Review

Atkins May Project: Empire of Destruction

Melodic Heavy Metal
Website Facebook 
Gonzo Multimedia
Words: Craig Hartranft
Added: 24.10.2014
Guitarist Paul May and vocalist Al Atkins have a working relationship that spans better than 20 years, beginning largely with the latter's solo albums. Lately, the guitarist and Judas Priest founder have been collaborating as the Atkins May Project, an extension of their musical relationship. They return with their third album,Empire of Destruction.
Atkins May Project Empire of Destruction Photo
Atkins May Project: both of them.
Fundamentally, Atkins May deliver traditional melodic heavy metal, with a strong rock groove at times and May's vibrant and fiery guitar work at the center. Atkins basically sounds the same with his grizzly leather voice, just older. Thankfully, he has enough sense, at his age, not over extend himself and stay in his range. He's not my favorite vocalist but, as I said with the previous album, I can't imagine anyone else doing these songs. It also seems that May composes the songs to fit his voice, excepting his roaring leads, keeping everything else steady and almost low key. You catch this with the two longest numbers Here Comes The Rain and Whisper to the Wind, where Atkins could easily be singing these songs from overstuffed recliner, while the more youthful May goes about his massive solos.
But AMP can be jammin, taking their metal and revving up the tempo. The Midas Touch and World At War rush along at a quick pace like classic power metal. Similar in speed, but with a more hard rock angle is their cover of Thin Lizzy's Are You Ready. Conversely, The Darkness Within, even with it's rock groove, is somewhat of slower churning number. All this is rather typical and expected of May's song composition. He keeps things varied and different. It's hard to say how long this relationship will last, specifically how much more Atkins has left as he approaches seventy. But if a third time is a charm, then the Atkins May Project deliver another fine helping of guitar-driven classic heavy metal.
BTW: My addition of Empire of Destruction came with a bonus DVD of music videos and an interview with May and Atkins.

 Review: German review translated

Atkins May Project / Empire Of Destruction 

Playing time: 58:03 
Format: CD 
Label: Gonzo Multimedia, 2014 
Style: Heavy Metal
Review on 03/11/2014 Jochen v. Arnim

No, I am not going to the history of Judas Priest unravel one more time and explain who Al Atkins is and in what context it is consistent with the heavy metal gods. If you feel this regard need for explanation, I refer to the relevant literature on the net and elsewhere (previous meetings of my very esteemed colleague Ilka and Marius would also provide remedy). 
As the name of the project implies, these are mainly around the two old companions Al Atkins and Paul May , who want to get again deserves to be published. With "Empire Of Destruction" sets the duo's third long-iron before - on the support of other musicians is omitted as before. The two men have on the of May packed disc produced ten songs with a total playing time of around an hour and missed as a special feature the first 1000 copies with a bonus DVD. 
Almost across the board gets the gentle listener and good classic heavy metal offered the course, especially the guitar work by Mays distinguished and the singing of the other protagonists. This statement includes simultaneously a critique, with which also the chief Ilka (so) the time came for their review already around the corner: There is no real drummer. Too bad, because that would have the album very well done. 
But otherwise stomp the tracks out of the speakers, inaugurating with "World At War", which makes directly clear that Atkins is not long for the scrap heap. Applied in traditional hard rock / heavy metal style, the piece from the first minute makes to real fun. Outdone it is then but directly from "The Midas Touch", the fierce clubbing pushes into the ear canals and incessantly pushing forward. 
In third place then follows one of two smaller outliers, for "Here Comes The Rain" introduces itself much more melodic, in some places almost playful. There are acoustic guitar parts and the bleak-tough pitching missing something. With well over nine minutes, it is also by far the longest track on the album.Following the duo turns again to the traditional metal skin and a few more firecrackers out. As with all tracks, is white May impressively to set the scene, the riffs plays just as convincing as the nimble solos. 
With "RU Ready", the project tries on an old song, the one of Thin Lizzy knows and the fans in 1977 on their "Live And Dangerous" has pleased. Atkins and May make it a thoroughly successful cover version, the later the second more playful outliers follows: "Whisper To The Wind" offers itself as the title might suggest it. Shallow and somewhat dreamy it is because Atkins is here once more clear and without oppressive raspy voice and the guitar is initially behave more melodic. 
The bonus track, "End Of The Earth", does not come next to "RU Ready" only from the spring Mays , but comes from Rodney Matthews , who has created this piece for an even appearing to video.Nevertheless stomps this bouncer in a row with the tracks of our duo here. 
And who can be among the first thousand buyers who can still appreciate a little further Bonus: There is a DVD with a few music videos as well as interviews with Atkins, May and the artist of the cover (including Avantasia , Magnum , ROXXCALIBUR ), the already mentioned Rodney Matthews . 
Overall, the album specially the friend classic Heavy Metals prepares determined a lot of joy, the songs are catchy, the two 'outlier' provide an additional touch of variety and the criticism we have already spoken - is determined not in the back collecting dust on the shelf! 
Al Atkins (vocals), 
Paul May (guitar) 
Sarah Prothero (vocals - # 10) 
01: World At War 
02: The Midas Touch 
03: Here Come The Rain 
04: The Darkness Within 
05: Reckless Child 
06: Paranoia 
07: RU Ready 
08: Dog Eat Dog 
09: Whisper To The Wind 
10: End Of The Earth ( bonus track) Bonus DVD (music videos, interviews) [first 1000 copies only] 

 Review: Belgium review translated


'Empire Of Destruction "of the Atkins May Project is the third album from this duo. Both previous albums ('Serpents Kiss' and 'Valley Of Shadows') were well received by press and public, and I suspect the same will happen with this latest piece. Even introduce myself for those who have missed the first two albums. Vocalist Al Atkins was in fact one of the founders of Judas Priest, he along with KK Downing, Ian Hill, and John Ellis founded the band in 1970, guitarist Paul May is the man responsible for all the guitar and writes the songs. Ten songs classic hard rock or heavy metal get presented here including eight from the pen of Paul May came. The songs are all pretty vesting and are quite sturdy charged. The highly melodic guitar playing of Paul is actually the main attraction, as the voice of Al to "on" seems to be quietly. His raw broken voice seems much of its power to have lost, resulting here in the fact that you can understand. Singing some pieces not or almost notAnd this genre is quite sad to call it. Besides the eight tracks written by Paul, you get here are their version of Thin Lizzy's 'Are You Ready'. The driven 'End Of The Earth' was then again by Rodney Mathhews written for a video that will be released later. Rodney Mathhews is perhaps better known as an illustrator of covers. He was responsible for many cases of Magnum and the albums from the Atkins May Project he supplied covers. Besides the band you'll hear in this last song vocalist Sarah Prothero with her ​​angelic vocals creates a huge contrast with the broken voice of Al. So pity of those moments where the voice of Al grid / not not move otherwise by grade was my still marginally higher. This does not mean that I have really enjoyed this album at other times.Especially the firm and smooth 'Midas Touch' and the infectious grooving 'Paranoia' could count on my approval. That there is also a DVD has been added to this album with five videos and some additional interviews with both Paul and Al and Rodney will ensure that music fans might be next to this 'Empire Of Destruction' to add. Their shopping float inclined Luc Ghyselen (3 ½)

 Review: US Review

First from the U.K. comes the third album from the heavy metal band Atkins May Project entitled "Empire Of Destruction." The band features former original Judas Priest vocalist Al Atkins and English guitar virtuoso Paul May. The band looks to set a new benchmark in heavy metal music with their latest nine-song release. The new album begins strong with the quick heavy metal pace of "Worlds At War" as Atkins vocals fit the music perfectly. The intensity picks up with the more aggressive attack of "The Midas Touch," before the nine-minute epic of "Here Comes The Rain," which allows Paul May to showcase his skills on guitar.

The heavy thumping rhythm of "Reckless Child" and the quick hitting "Are You Ready" showcases that this duo contain the right recipe for heavy metal success. The album closes with the thirteen-minute journey of the prog-metal masterpiece "Whisper To The Wind." There is a limited edition release of this new album which contains a bonus track, the adrenaline-pumping, heavy guitar riff-fueled "End Of The Earth" and a bonus DVD which contains five music videos and interviews with Al Atkins and Paul May about the new album. To find out more, please visit gonzomultimedia.co.uk.

 Review: US Review

Singled Out: Atkins May Project's Midas Touch
Today guitarist Paul May from the Atkins May Project, his group with original Judas Priest vocalist Al Atkins, tells us about "Midas Touch" from their brand new album "Empire Of Destruction". Here is the story:
The "Midas Touch" is the second track of the "Empire Of Destruction" album and its more than a head down, hard and fast metal track! Al sounds like he's been gargling with razor blades for a month and there's some fast and furious guitar riffs assaulting the senses! Exactly how I wanted it to be, powerful sounding, to match the subject matter it was handling.

It was written as a depiction of the 'love of money' and the hold it can have upon on the human nature. To 'coin it', its basically about idolatry and lust in its modern state. Hey, we all need money, and I'm certainly not knocking wealth, in fact I'm willing to give it a go! As I'm sure we all are.
However, the power of money is used so often for manipulating society that it's almost become a competition of influence. 
The song lyrics are about the driven addiction it can create for some, much like the misuse of a drug. It asks the question " who is the slave and the master?" .... The Midas Touch a touch too much?
Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

 Review: UK Review

ATKINS MAY PROJECT Empire Of Destruction

Empire Of Destruction
Gonzo Multimedia
More metal, this time from guitarist Paul May and vocalist Al Atkins, who’ve been working on and off for a couple of decades now, with this their third album under the Atkins May Project banner.
You won’t be surprised to learn that it fits mainly into the power metal bracket, what with Al Atkins having to contractually fulfill his Judas Priest founder tag.  And there are some excellent tunes  here with ‘Here Comes The Rain’ and ‘Whisper To The Wind’ well worthy of repeat plays.  Atkins may not be the best singer in the world, but he knows that, and makes sure that he plays to his strengths.  Which is why the cover of Thin Lizzy’s ‘Are You Ready’ doesn’t work.
May is a fine guitarist and knows his way round a big riff, and when they stray slightly into prog metal territory, he gets to show his chops off.  It’s a good, solid album, and if you get your finger out, you’ll get a version with a bonus DVD of music videos and an interview with May and Atkins.

 Review: Chile Review - translated

Atkins May Project
Empire of Destruction

Album - 2014
Rating 7.5

Atkins May Project , as its title indicates, is the musical project by the lead singer of Judas Priest , Al Atkins and guitarist Paul May , along the same path Atkins and AND , heavy metal band who released three albums during early nineties, then dissolved without much impact. Empire of Destruction becomes the third installment of this duo, consisting of nine songs plus a bonus track.

The truth is that despite the past Atkins and knowing that it is the co-author of some of the early classics of Judas Priest ( Victim of Changes , Never Satisfied , Caviar And Meths ), never interested me delve deeper into his career musical, however this album opened a door to re-discover his work, because it has a handful of worthy hear more detention and providing pleasant moments of entertainment songs.

The main style is here heavy metal, very traditional and classic, adorned with large shares of hard rock, much feeling and husky voice of Atkins , that sounds good with his hard and rough tone, far from what Halford would in Priest subsequently. About the same, ie do not know if the fundamental British had got where they are today if Atkins had remained in the group. Not that bad singing or something like that, not at all-in fact makes it very well- but because if something influenced the greatness that reached bands like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest , that was the operatic and bombastic style vocalists insignes.

But back to Empire of Destruction and review some of the most outstanding cuts of the plate, among which are World At War , first cut is quite clear northern duo: heavy direct metal, raw, simple and classic, is a quick and very ganchera song with great guitar work and good vocal lines, however, and very unfortunately we note here of the great immediate "but" disc: the sound. With a clearer, not so serious and dark as this sharper production, many of his songs would stand out immediately as major issues.

Next up, The Midas Touch is another of the tracks that left me quite surprised, it is fast and with an air very far Saxon that shines above the rest. Indeed, if they have doubts about the vocal performance of Atkins , a song like this you will notice that there is even some similarity with Biff Byford , both in tone and in form. Great work of Paul May in the six strings, both in riffs and solos, manages to make very clear the technical capacity which boasts over the plate; and I say this fully knowing his past as a guitarist. At least here he looks at many of the cuts.

In Reckless Child may notice some brand that left Atkins in Priest through some tunes, but nothing too prominent and always talking about the early years of the British group. Very good cut in plan mid-tempo, but with some empty spaces in which we keep realizing how bad it sounds, especially the battery, really a shame when it comes to good songs and that otherwise achieved, perhaps, another kind of impact ... who knows.

Another clues that let me recommend is Whisper to the Wind , with a sharp edge epic begins slowly and very intimate, just Atkins singing some phrases accompanied by May 's some environmental keyboards, then enter drums and bass with hard shots , making everything go in crescendo , but rather dense atmosphere. Arriving at the five minute we find a change of pace with guitars reminiscent somewhat more progressive aspect, giving a whole new dimension to the work ofPaul May , who also runs an inspired one, which at the end causes the return the soft slow start sites. After a few minutes, pull the throttle back a bit, reaching a galloping rhythm that gives another dynamic to the song. Worth noting that this is a cut that lasts nearly thirteen minutes, why all these changes of pace are necessary and are appreciated as they form part without doubt one of the great themes of the plate.

To go closing, I tell them that comes a cover of Thin Lizzy for the song Are You Ready (here RU Ready ), correct implementation and experimentation without any surrender. A great tribute to the band disappeared Lynott . As a bonus track we have End of the Earth , cut in a seventies guitar as could be, and a very heavy mist to Hendrix or Cream , and otherwise is remarkable because it is a composition of Rodney Matthews , famed illustrator who has been in charge of the artwork for bands like Magnum , Thin Lizzy , Avantasia , Tygers of Pang Tang , Diamond Head, Asia , Veni Domine , Scorpions and Nazareth , among others. Despite being included as a bonus, the truth is that this is a great close this disc.

That's Empire of Destruction , a job that contains moments that are well worth investing time to hear them. Songs are fun, unpretentious, a traditional heavy metal in full force, but it could have been much better result of having a more appropriate to offer musically sound.

 Review: US Review

Atikins May Project: Empire of Destruction


(Atkins May Project)
Release Date: 
Monday, October 27, 2014

Al Atkins has been rocking the heavy metal beat since 1964 and if you are wondering if you know that name then that could be from his days when he formed the band called Judas Priest. Along with Atkins, there's guitarist Paul May and these two men have formed a group called the Atkins May Project. Sticking with what has made both men popular and the music that they have played their whole lives, "Empire of Destruction" is a heavy metal album that will put some oomph into your day when listening to it. Empire of Destruction does what metal bands should do, play songs that are filled with power beats and a whole lot of energy.

Atkins May Project is some of the metal music that I like to listen to the most. It's powerful, the songs are quick, beats are being played fast, but while the songs are filled with this energy and are being played with quick paced tempos it don't sound like it's in turbo mode. Don't get me wrong, I also enjoy the hyper drive speed metal but just good old fashion heavy metal will always get me pumped up. That's exactly what Empire of Destruction accomplishes, getting me pumped up from listening to it. Half way through track one I went from being blah it's another day to being oh yeah let’s get this day started already. Let me explain in another way that might make sense to this younger generation, listening to Empire of Destruction will be like having a energy drink, you get that shot of caffeine that you need to perk you up.

These two musicians know their stuff and rightly so I would say considering how long they've been playing. Vocals and instrumentals are being performed well on this album. There are a few moments that the music is a bit low key for a heavy metal song but like all heavy metal albums there is at least one song that will be the ballad or the slower song for those moments when you just want to catchy your breath. Best aspect I think for this album is that the tempos and beats change up between songs allowing the album to stay fresh from track to track. It's a fun album that would fit well for the early days of heavy metal lovers as well as fitting well with new comers to heavy metal. The songs are just a lot of fun for me to listen to and the energy that has been put into them oozes out and into me. For those reasons alone I will be listening to this album in future.

 Review: US Review


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Atkins / May Project

Empire of Destruction

Review by G. W. Hill
The third album from this outfit, this is quite strong. I’d have to say that for me personally, the previous disc was better. This one is solid, though. There are some exceptional tunes and nothing that’s bad. I do have to mention some technical problems, though. In the past I’ve noted some liner notes issues with Gonzo Media releases. Well, with this one I have some bigger problems. For starters, my CD won’t play on some of the drives that I used to try it. The last two tracks are unplayable in any of my drives. I managed to get digital copies of those songs to get this review done. Also, there is a bonus DVD included, but I tried four different drives and couldn’t get that to play in any of them. So, I can’t comment on that part of this package. It might be because my copy is an advance promotional copy. It might be a more widespread issue. I really don’t know.
Track by Track Review
A World at War
There is a dramatic introduction that gives way to some pounding, powerful heavy metal. This is very much an epic metal styled piece, with the emphasis on the metal end of that equation. I love the vocal hooks and the guitar soloing. It’s a real stomper. The closing bit is dramatic and very potent.
The Midas Touch
Ferocious metal that even makes me think of Dream Theater a bit opens this. The cut moves forward in a rather thrashy way. It’s a real powerhouse.
Here Comes the Rain
More of a power ballad, this is quite proggy in a lot of ways. It’s also very classy. It does get quite heavy as it continues.
Darkness Within
There is a killer driving rhythm section to this. The cut is metal, but much more of a modern metal in texture. It’s a cool cut that’s a real change. It’s also a real surprise. I like it a lot.
Reckless Child
This is more of a straightahead metal tune. In fact, in a lot of ways it makes me think of something Judas Priest would do. It’s a screamer and one of the best pieces here. I love it.
There is no question this is metal. It’s a very modern sounding piece in a lot of ways. It has a lot of energy and oomph. It isn’t my favorite cut here, but it works pretty well.
Are You Ready
Here we get a straight ahead rocking tune. This is solid and fun. It’s just not all that special, really.
Dog Eat Dog
Classic metal in texture, this is a great tune. It’s high energy and has a lot of style.
Whisper to the Wind
This is arguably the best track here. It’s the most diverse. It starts with a dramatic and powerful ballad-like movement. That section holds it for a while with some great vocal work and tasty musical arrangements. It powers out into a rather progressive metal like movement for the more powered up section. This is just so cool. It’s also an epic length piece, landing at over twelve and a half minutes. It’s epic in scope, too, conveying a whole universe of sounds in one cohesive and coherent track. This is mellow through a lot of its time, but it also rocks out really well. It has some of the meatiest melodic metal guitar soloing of the whole disc. This one is worth the price of admission all by itself.
End of the Earth
A bonus track, this starts off with mellow atmospherics that hint at a harder rocking sound. Then it fires out into some scorching metal. This is another that feels like it could be a Judas Priest song in a lot of ways. There is almost a Jimi Hendrix element to it, too. The female vocals mid-track (I can’t find any credit to tell me who it is) add a lot to the piece. It’s a really strong number for a bonus track, though.

 Review: French review translated


. 01 A World At War, 02. The Midas Touch, 03. Here Comes The Rain 04. Darkness Within,05. Reckless Child, 06 . Paranoia, 07. Are You Ready, 08. Dog Eat Dog, 09. Whisper To The Wind, 10. End Of The Earth TRAINING: Al Atkins (Vocals), Paul May (guitars) TAG: 80's ,Epic , Old School , hoarse singing

Written by Noise on 10/09/2014
With "Empire Of Destruction" Al Atkins and Paul May we suggest the third album of their project launched in 2010 The former lead singer of Judas Priest and not lose more time and even if this career is confidential man clearly pleased without thinking about retirement.

The first two discs of the universe logically duo had a very old school in terms of heavy metal with trends ranging from Dio , Maiden to Judas Priest . "Empire Of Destruction" confirms that road with old, recalling his pocket productions Manilla Road , typical vintage sound very 80s.

And as long as one is a good time amateur we will listen to this very classy disc. Despite his 66 years Al Atkinsremains an interesting singer near a Dio. Certainly it does not have the power of youth, but it retains a passion and a very interesting energy. His friend on guitar confirms an enormous talent for typical riffs and solos of good old heavy metal. And 'A World At War', 'The Midas Touch', 'Reckless Child' or 'Dog Eat Dog' they do the job with ease and a beautiful metallic writing worthy 80s.

But the musicians also have the intelligence to propose a few changes with longer songs. Pretty epic, 'Here Comes The Rain' and 'Whisper To The Wind' show that Atkins and May can succeed in a more progressive style. There are some beautiful passages air guitar and a melodic voice with a convincing felted grain, all in the spirit of Saxonera "Crusader".30 years ago, "Empire Of Destruction" would certainly have met with great success esteem. Today, he probably speaks only a few nostalgic sound and music of another era. However we must respect the work of these artisans a heavy metal old proudly resistant to time and modes.

More information about https://www.atkinsmayproject.com/

 Review: UK Review

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