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Primitive Graven Image - Psychedelic Episodes (Observations on Death and Deathlessness) (CD)

Genre: Metal
Release Date: 26th September 2012

Label: Envenomation Records
Catalogue Number: ENVE005
Price: £9.99

Primitive Graven Image - Psychedelic Episodes (Observations on Death and Deathlessness)

Following on from 2010’s critically acclaimed Celebrating Impending Chaos, Envenomation Records proudly presents Primitive Graven Image’s third album Psychedelic Episodes: Observations On Death And Deathlessness.

Once again produced by Russ Russell (Dimmu Borgir, Napalm Death, Evile) Primitive Graven Image’s third album sees the band break out of their black metal mould even further, with influences aplenty from death and thrash metal, and heavy doses of psychedelic and progressive rock. Lyrically, traditional black metal concepts have been replaced with a mind expanding philosophy on the psychedelic experience. Black metal riffs and relentless blast beats are interspersed with Dave Gilmour influenced soloing, moogs and guitar and ambient chaos to create an extreme wall of sound whilst retaining melody and song structure. It is set to be the bands greatest achievement yet.

Following on from past tour dates including Bloodstock Open Air, London’s Enblackend and Infernal Damnation Festivals and UK tours with Abgott and Skaldic Curse, Primitive Graven Image will hit the road once again this coming autumn/winter. A first video is due to be released at the end of July with a further single towards the end of the year.

What the press said about Celebrating Impending Chaos:

'A stunning collection of pure black metal in the style of Immortal or Emperor, this cd is the best I've heard so far this year... if they can produce the goods live there's no reason why they shouldn't join the black metal elite. Stunningly Good!' - Powerplay - March 2010

'Let some of those riffs sink in for a minute. Let some of those Dissection-like melodic lines waft through the air like they do. This is good shit! Before you know it, this album is over. Short and sweet. Which just makes me want to play it again - Decibel (USA), April 2010

By all means avoid Celebrating Impending Chaos if you don't like skilfull aggressive metal, massive riffs or songs that actually stay in your head after they have ended.. an almighty collision of styles and influences, all unified by the brooding spirit of black metal - Zero Tolerance - April 2010

'.. sticks in the mind like a dark mantra.. could PGI be the british hope for black metal? These godless souls caught our eye at bloodstock last year and have been ravaging our ears ever since!'- Terrorizer

'An unrelenting slice of old school proper black metal with an extra street wise slice of quality, metal that hits the spot just right' - The Organ, April 2010

'I doubt I could be more into this record right now, as a death, grind, slam fan I am rather taken back by this album, it's not me, but yet I am hooked. I will. With out doubt, have this on rotation on my generic Ipod clone android based phone player thing - 9/10' - UKU Metal Magazine, 2011.



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