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Mick Farren and Andy Colquhoun - The Woman In The Black Vinyl Dress (CD)

Genre: Rock/Pop
Release Date: 28th October 2013

Label: Gonzo
Catalogue Number: HST192CD
Price: £9.99

Mick Farren and Andy Colquhoun - The Woman In The Black Vinyl Dress

Mick Farren was a great man. Many people have described him to me as having been “barking mad”, but – even if this is true – it does not negate his greatness one iota. Born in 1943, he was an integral part of the counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s. If Richard Neville was the public face of said counterculture, Mick was its heart. The two men had very different approaches to the cultural revolution that they both believed that they were spearheading, but Mick’s is the one that has stood the test of time.

Mick was a crazy-passionate activist, anarchist and street politician. When I met him about a month before his death I asked him whether he was still a revolutionary. He bristled. “Certainly”, he said, and went on to describe the ills of modern Britain, the iniquities of the Government and his hope that the new technology of the 21st century might bring about the anarcho-syndicalist utopia that he dreamed of.

All the time he was talking, he quaffed Jack Daniels and smoked my cigarettes while taking the occasional toke on his oxygen mask. We were surrounded by friends and well-wishers, and it was obvious that here was a man that demanded great love and respect.

I am not going to claim that Mick Farren and I were friends. I only met him once and had about three enjoyable telephone conversations as well, but I like to think that he and I would soon have become friends, because Mick was everything that I aspire to be: a massively principled man with the heart of a revolutionary, a child-like and wicked sense of humour, an immense talent and a social conscience second to none.

His version of that much-maligned term anarchism, and mine, were and are almost identical. Above all he was a kind, ethical and gentle man, whom - one would suspect, much to his amusement - my late father would have described as very much a gentleman. I had great love and respect for him, and I hope that in the weeks, months and years to come, as part of Gonzo Multimedia, we shall help bring his invaluable work, and inspirational legacy to new generations.

And what better way to start than with what has turned out to be his final album? Enjoy. JON DOWNES



 Review: Mick Farren & Andy Colquhoun review

Mick Farren & Andy Colquhoun 
Black Vinyl Dress (Gonzo)
Mick Farren & Andy Colquhoun Michael Anthony 'Mick' Farren, writer, journo, poet, counter-culture rabble rouser, ‘proto’ punk and serial collaborator with, amongst others, Lemmy, Chrissie Hynde, Hawkwind, Wayne Kramer and, on this his final outing, ex-Deviant and Pink Fairy Andy Colquhoun. Sadly no longer with us since collapsing onstage during a Deviants performance in July of 2013 Farren, never a fan of his own voice, elects to narrate songs here, his delivery a cross between John Cooper Clarke, Alan Rickman and William Burroughs as Colquhoun ensures there is more than enough sonic variety to keep the results more than just a glorified poetry reading.
Ray Harper

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The Woman In The Black Vinyl Dress
CD - £9.99


Can there be a better death for a rock musician, as (except maybe at home in his sleep) on the stage to die? (Almost) exactly is the English musician and writer Mick Farren happened when, on 27, heJuly 2013 collapsed on stage during a concert at the age of 69 years and died the same evening.
His artistic career began when he moved to the first half of the sixties went to London to study and also brought his being a musician on the move. With the band The Deviants he published from 1967 to 1969 three slices before 1970 for the first solo album "Mona - The Carnivorous Circus" came. He then focused for several years been stepped on his writing career, the music but never really let go.He was a short time a member of the Pink Fairies (anyone still reminiscent of "Uncle Harry's Last Freakout"?), but without being involved in recordings.
Mid-seventies, there was a relatively short reunion of the Deviants , what the spark at the good Mickwas after all flare up again so far that in 1978, the great (of course, from punk rock influenced) solo album Vampires Stole My Lunch Money appeared. Here, among other things, it was Wilko Johnson(ex- Dr Feelgood , RIP) and Chrissie Hynde ( The Pretenders ) in the studio to help you. The Deviants were also found over the decades again sporadically, playing shows, and there were also sporadic albums . With this band he was also on the stage, had come as the day of his death.
In the spring of 2012 was Mick Farren one last time with material for a full album in a recording studio. There should be no ordinary rock album, but he recited his designated texts (at different rates) to click tracks and handed the result is then multi-instrumentalist Andy Colquhoun ( The Deviants ), to highlight the text with more rock and bluesy music. The result is now available and goes by the lovely name "Black Vinyl Dress".
If you like this kind of performance or simply want to retest times, which is then also our lifestyle served by this disc. I have Mick Farren actually always liked and it also makes her what if the asthmatics his lyrics with the distinctive voice - sometimes peaceful, sometimes a bit excited - barking into the microphone. And as already mentioned, the whole was then deposited with rock and blues songs that round out this Chose then also outstanding.
It is logical that this record of the former White Panther (UK) activists is not necessarily for everyone.But finally Anchecken costs nothing and maybe big favor is one or the other of you but to find the presented 14 'songs'. Especially since the texts of bullocks anyway can provide a consistently high quality. So who the man never knew before: Do not be shy pretend and listen!


Mick Farren (vocals),
Andy Colquhoun (all instruments and programming, additional vocals)



Mick Farren was the rock singer with one of the most wild hairdos ever. Late 60s His black nest flew back and forth during the performances of his punk , hevy metal and rock group The Deviants ' , a band that he himself had formed under the name ' The Social Deviants . " In 1967 Soon there were a lot of members away from the original formation and the group was shortened to 'The Deviants ' .
Mid- 70s was Mick Farren record an album for the independent label Stiff Records. It was an EP " Screwed Up " on which guitarist Larry Wallis (former " Motörhead " ) , bassist Andy Colquhoun (former " Warsaw Pact " ) and Alan Powell ( ex - ' Hawkwind ' ) played a role .
Since 1980, returned to the severely asthmatic Mick Farren only very sporadically back into the musical spotlight and he came back once more in June 2011 for a live performance at the famous Glastonbury Festival , along with his old buddy Andy Colquhoun . On July 27, 2013 he performed at age 69 again with 'The Deviants ' in 'The Borderline ' in Soho , London when he collapsed on stage and later died in hospital .
The old punk rocker , anarchist, journalist and street politician Mick Farren had just one last , not quite finished album that was completed by Andy Colquhoun after his death and now posthumously brought under the title "Black Vinyl Dress" on the market.
Mick Farren was for years known as a symbol of the acrimonious underground scene , and he later wrote for the popular British music magazine NME New Music Express ' and delivered columns off to the American newspaper " City Beat " and the " International Times . He was also the author of 23 novels both fiction, non -fiction and biographical inspired .
Now also have some information about this latest record " Black Vinyl Dress" . Fourteen songs were recorded with this Andy Colquhoun on guitar , bass and keyboards and Jaki Windmill on percussion . Colquhoun composed the music and wrote all the lyrics Mick Farren , except composed by John Lennon & Paul McCartney song " Tomorrow Never Knows " that the Beatles recorded in 1966 as the last track on the album " Revolver " .
This album starts with a very melodic pop song " Black Dogs Circle " which Mick Farren rather a poem contributes to sing , something moreover on the title track and several other songs of this album will happen. Not for nothing , he called himself a " lousy singer but an excellent rock star ." The songs on this album regularly think of Nick Cave which is very often in the dark shadows of the pop and rock music tends to move.
The repetitive guitar riff in " Venus On Her Shell " is a clever discovery of Andy Colquhoun which he leaves a threatening tone of the story told here flow . In "The Dark Matter" Jaki Windmill doing something similar on percussion while Mick Farren recites his lines in full Frank Zappa - style . The we feel best musical songs on this CD are " Cigarettes " , it is very hard for anything from Nick Cave slip off " Beautiful Women " and " Beatles' cover " Tomorrow Never Knows " which Jaki Windmill for real vocal vocals are coming worry.


01. DOGS BLACK CIRCLE, 02. COCAINE & GUNPOWDER, 03. VINYL BLACK DRESS, 04.VENUS ON HER SHELL, 05. THE DARK MATTER, 06. I DO NOT LIKE IT HERE, 07. PICK UP THE SCISSORS AND RUN), 08. IF I WAS ON MY HUN A PONY, 09. CIGARETTES, 10.BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, 11. AK47, 12. HUMIDITY ON THE 7TH FLOOR, 13. AK47 (Reprise) 14.TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS TRAINING: Andy Colquhoun (Guitars / Bass / Keyboards), Jacki Windmill (Drums), Mick Farren (vocals) TAGs: serious Vocal , Guitar-Hero , 70's ,Bluesy , Happy / Delirious , Intimate , Melancholic , Dark , Tribal

Mick Farren died ... Bad way to start the chronicle'' Black Vinyl Dress'' ultimate album prince of the English against-culture. The album was composed with his long-time collaborator, multi-instrumentalist Andy Colquhoun , who plays guitar, bass and piano, and drummer Jacki Windmill . Started in August 2012, the registration process will take six months, which contradicts the legend that wants Mick Farren , feeling his death come, has registered in an emergency. The first track of the album, the short gives 'Black Dogs Circles' we immediately set the tone of the album: a sweet and melancholy warm voice that recites rather than sings surreal lyrics and a guitar solo flirting with the blues. As'' Black Vinyl Dress'' is the work of a poet, a disillusioned miracle that survived the Fall ('Cocaine and Gunpowder), but whose survival is now being unreliable, offering a new perspective listening to the song. Do not we hear Mick Farren we speak beyond the walls of sleep, supported by tribal drums that reminds us that the funeral was advanced ('' We had Reached the point / At All which We would believe anything ' ')? two other tracks stand out. This is the title song, romantic jewel toned black and 'Cigarettes', with his impeccable guitar riff, perfect recovery words'' Just something to do'' Between cigarettes, female vocals possessed, tribute to William Burroughs , making this song, underground tube tomorrow. album is embellished with some other lighter pieces, recalling the heyday of Deviants , 'I do not like it here', which also sends us toFrank Zappa and Robert Calvert , 'Pick up the scissors' with its sharp guitar,' Tomorrow never knows'', acid and Navy recovery Beatles , and double jumping AK47. Those who do not like the song spoke will point finger that music seems to constantly withdrawal. But we must say that the album is not only that of Mick Farren , it would be a shame to ignore the mastery 's Andy Colquhoun , a disciple of Gary Moore , whose guitars know come into harmony with his voice full of spleen a poet beyond ('If I was a Hun on my Pony'.) With 'Black Vinyl Dress', Mick Farren became the rock star he always wanted to be, the equal of a Nick Cave (with the very piano-blues 'Beautiful Women'). 'Black Vinyl Dress' is an album from another time, demanding that requires several listens to appreciate the ambrosia of his black fruits.

 Review: MICK FARREN and ANDY COLQUHOUN – The Woman In The Black Vinyl Dress

MICK FARREN and ANDY COLQUHOUN - The Woman In The Black Vinyl Dress
The Woman In
The Black Vinyl Dress
Mick Farren’s passing in July 2013 robbed rock ‘n’ roll of one if its most inflammatory movers. Never so much of a vocalist Farren documented his time via word – spoken, written and kind of sung – and always kept it quite conceptual. That’s why his final album, given the music by Mick’s long-time co-conspirator Andy Colquhoun, latter-day Pink Fairy and Deviant, could be seen as a sequel to the original DEVIANTS’ final LP, "3" whence the woman in black comes, although this time the playfulness is very limited, having succumbed to the gloom. It oozes out of “Dark Matter” which, as Farren recites, communicates with him, and out of the closing cover of “Tomorrow Never Knows” that takes nihilism to the dancefloor, yet Mick’s old game is in play in the Brechtian choir of “Beautiful Women” and in the harmonies and riffs of “Pick Up The Scissors And Run” with their warped escapism offering a way out of “I Don’t Like It Here ” – a humid, if human experience.
Elsewhere, belligerence reigns, the sharp groove under “AK47″ and the bruised opener “Black Dog’s Circle” presenting the black-and-blue vision as Colquhoun’s blues guitar waltzes between the blackness of Farren’s lines, and not for nothing its first licks vaguely quote “Dark Eyes” to link it to the danger of the aforementioned assault rifle. By the same token “Cocaine + Gunpowder” thrives on a dirge-like percussion, while the shred-bumper “If I Was A Hun On My Pony” glorifies intelligently barbaric destruction, and the wet social dream of “Black Vinyl Dress” is contrasted with an acoustic lace whose shape follows the tonal inflections of the poet’s voice. That’s where Mick’s rhetoric hits the spot: soft yet solid, and it’s so sad he left this place right from the stage, on a high note.

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