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Brand X - Missing Period (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 3rd November 2014

Label: Gonzo
Catalogue Number: HST184CD
Price: £9.99

Brand X - Missing Period

This album represents the earliest known recordings of Brand X Circa 1975-76. Recorded shortly before the release of the group's debut album - Unorthodox Behaviour - the source tapes for this material were recently recovered by John Goodsall from family members in England, who presented John with a box containing all sorts of Brand X memorabilia. At the bottom of the box were some old reels of tape of unknown origin. Upon review John and Percy realized that they had uncovered a long lost treasure - excellent quality recordings of Brand X's classic lineup performing previously unreleased material. This documents a period of the band's history which has been missing for over twenty years. There's "no accounting" for good fortune and the result is "Missing Period".



 Review: Critical Jazz

Brand X Missing Period Gonzo 2014

One of only a handful of truly "lost" recordings that deserved to be found!
Brent Black / www.criticaljazz.com
Progressive rock, jazz rock or as I believe Phil Collins once referred to the band, "ripping good fun" these tapes are of good quality and are a significant find for Brand X fans and musical historians. Some refer to this release as the officially sanctioned bootleg and while technically they may be correct, the wrong impression is clearly given with such a innocuous statement.
These live tapes are from the mid 1970's and are a sonic goldmine of previously unreleased material. While there are only six tunes, the length of the songs are far greater than the mere number included. All selections are over seven minutes in length and come together in their own fashion to highlight a most unique sonic exploratory of lyrical vision thanks to Percy Jones and John Goodsall.
Fans and critics alike continue to argue the relevant place of importance in the lexicon of where original jazz / rock fusion should be considered. This is the harmonic equivalent of evaluating the smile or perhaps lack of (depending on your p.o.v) on the Mona Lisa. Perhaps we should differ to the drummer and call it what it is, "ripping good fun!"
4.5 Stars
Tracks: Dead Pretty; Kegelblitz; Ancient Mysteries; Why Won't  You Lend Me Yours? Miserable Virgin; Tito's Leg.
Personnel: Phil Collins: Drums; John Goodsall: Guitar; Preston Heyman: Percussion; Percy Jones: Bass; Robin Lumley: Keyboards.

 Review: BRAND X - Missing period/Published on 19-01-2014 /

BRAND X - Missing period/Published on 19-01-2014 /

Gonzo Multimedia label has recently published a handful of albums Brand X . The name of Brand X does not really over now and here is a great opportunity to talk about this active group in the English jazz fusion in the late 70s. Talk of Brand X is also an opportunity to remember that he hosted for many years an English rock luminaries, Phil Collins himself. drummer Genesis and solo artist well known actually worked for Brand X , more as a singer and drummer listen to a few albums recently reissued Brand X shows that those who do not support pop artist engrangeur million of what became Collins must nevertheless recognize his immense talents of drummer. 

And with the likes of drummer Phil Collins, together with other excellent technicians like John Goodsall (guitar) and especially Percy Jones (bass), we can say that Brand X is to rank in the top of the basket of major progressive groups Seventies and jazz fusion. Brand X starts in 1975 as a group improvisation and is signed to Island Records. It is said that the hunter talents Island, Danny Wilding had marked an X calendar studio to report the arrival of the group, which took its name from this brand (brand in English) on the calendar. At this time, Brand X thus includes John Goodsall, Percy Jones, Phil Collins and also keyboardist Robin Lumley , cousin of actress Joanna Lumley (known for her role in the new version of "Avengers leather" in 1977 and its role fifties bobo and alcohol in funky series "Ab fab" in 1996.) The group will undergo various changes in personnel but will always be managed by John Goodsall pair and Percy Jones. 

In a very funky jazz and sometimes progressive record, it performs the albums"Unorthodox behavior" (1976), "Moroccan Roll" (1977) "Livestock" (1977), "Masks"(1978), "Product" (1979) , "Do They Hurt?" (1980) and "Is there anything about?"(1982). This is the classical period of the group, which enjoys a moment of separation before reforming in 1992 around Goodsall, Jones and drummer Frank Katz, for new albums "Xcommunication" (1992) and "Manifest Destiny" (1997) .album here now "Missing period" comes from the first bands of 1975 and forgotten in a drawer. All these new songs are now available restored version and it is a real treat for lovers of jazz fusion Stanley Clarke or Nucleus. Percy Jones bass is remarkable, we are dealing with a phenomenon of nature. Guitarist John Goodsall descends the handle at ultrasonic speeds and Phil Collins is just incredible."Missing period" shows that from its earliest moments, Brand X was already fully developed and operational, it will prove later on his official albums .

François Becquart
Country: GB 
Gonzo Multimedia


 Review: Brand X Missing Period US review


Brand X

Missing Period (Reissue)

Review by G. W. Hill
This is a new edition of this Brand X album. Since I already reviewed an earlier release of this, and this in terms of the content, the same thing, I’m going to just use that review here for the sake of consistency. Let’s just say, thing sounds great and is well worth having.
Associated with the prog musical style both because of their imaginative and virtuosic fusion approach to music and the sometime presence of Genesis man Phil Collins, Brand X have always been a great largely unknown musical treasure. This CD is the first official release of material predating their debut disc. This lost disc of instrumental wonderment is definitely a treasured find for fans of the band. The musicians on this CD are Phil Collins, John Goodsall, Preston Heyman, Percy Jones and Robin Lumley.
Track by Track Review
Dead Pretty
This cut starts as a bluesy rock sort of piece. It quickly changes to fusion textures, and moves through a number of different styles and modes. It becomes more prog rock oriented for the guitar solo segment, which is quite cool. It becomes a bit Zappaish at times, and moves into more rock modes and includes a killer percussion break.
This next cut is more straightforward prog in many ways, and touches on the music of such artists as Genesis and Al Dimeola. It also includes a few bits of Steve Howeish material and some other great flavored guitar work. The piece does, however, touch on the fusionish approach of the first track as well. In fact there is an entire segment based on a funky bass riff that really emphasizes this angle of the music. The composition also gets a bit dissonant at times. This is a killer track.
Ancient Mysteries
This one starts with percussion and has very cool funky sort of jazz texture. It includes a great segment with strong classic prog textures. It moves into a frantic, slightly dissonant jam, that then gives way to a fast paced prog section that really rocks. This one covers a lot of musical ground as it winds its way through its length, moving from fusion to prog and back and forth from there.
Why Won’t You Lend Me Yours?
Caribbean percussion starts this one and it begins building in fusionish textures from there. This one gets a bit off kilter and has some unique timing modes.
Miserable Virgin
Frantic riffing begins this cut, but only for a moment, then a nice fusion groove takes the piece to its next segment. The cut builds in this mode, grooving along quite nicely, and dropping back to slower modes from time to time. It drops to a more sparsely arranged section for a short time. Then the buildup that follows has a great musical texture to it. The cut later drops to strictly percussion for a time, then begins redefining itself by climbing out of the depths to which it has fallen. As the buildup continues, some wonderful jazz oriented textures ensue, a bit in the mode of Al Dimeola, but also calling to mind George Benson as well. This is a great fusion jam.kes.
Tito's Leg
Another fairly fast paced fusion jam, this one is quite solid and has more classic fusion textures. This one does quite a bit of stylistic wandering, although it is all really quite linear. This one has a very organic sort of structural style and is quite strong. Some of the guitar work on this one is rather Zappaish, and definitely smo


The X Files - A 20 Year Retrospective
2CD - £11.99


Is There Anything About?
CD - £9.99


Live at the Roxy, LA 1979
CD - £9.99


Missing Period
CD - £9.99

 Review: Brand X Review

(Brand X)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Tracks:  6

Brand X Missing Period has to be one of the most quintessential Jazz Fusion albums I’ve never heard. The album is a tour de force of instrumentation from Collins’ (Genesis) insane, almost improvisational, tempos to John Goodsall’s wild guitar ramblings that range from off the beaten trail to right in the groove of the albums mix. Percy Jones (Tunnels) provides a wide range of bass techniques from jazz to funk to even an odd sounding disco like groove that is infectious. Meanwhile Robin Lumley (Spiders From Mars) provides very atmospheric and haunting keyboard sounds that range from new age to space rock. It’s a well balanced mix of music that made me think of bands like Rush or Medeski, Martin & Wood. 
Overall I loved the tempo of the album. The first track starts off slow with introduction and then simply bursts out into a tricky jazz number that just builds as the album rolls on, track by track. Ancient Mysteries is probably my favorite as Collins’ comes with a funk beat that explodes with Robin Lumley’s funky keyboard musings and John Goodsall’s amazing guitar work that’s complimented well by Percy Jones’ funk/jazz bass technique that plays as both an individual addition as well as a foundation for the song. 
After having reviewed the bands Live album Live at The Roxy LA 1979, I was a bit disappointed. The sound quality was off, the music didn’t translate completely. If you’re looking to kick off a love for Brand X, I would suggest starting here. The entirety of the album is amazingly fantastic. I highly suggest. 
 Review by AJ Garcia

 Review: Brand X: Missing Period (reissue) Review

Out of the handful of Brand X/Percy Jones rare recordings campaign from Gonzo Multimedia, Missing Period will probably be of greatest interest to hard core fans. This album represents some of the earliest known recordings from the band in the 1975-1976 time frame, just before they released their debut albumUnorthodox Behaviour. The story goes that John Goodsall's family presented the guitarist with a box of old Brand X memorabilia, and at the bottom of that box were old tape reels containing unreleased recordings of the band. Needless to say, this is raw, powerful Brand X at their early best.

The line-up for Missing Period was Goodsall on guitar, drummer Phil Collins, Percy Jones on bass, Robin Lumley on keyboards, and percussionist Preston Heyman. Collins, who managed to squeeze in any time with Brand X while not busy with Genesis, puts in a hell of a performance on these exciting jazz-fusion pieces, locked in tight with Jones' elastic bass lines on the supercharged "Kugelblitz", with Goodsall & Lumely firing away with reckless abandon. Lovers of Mahavishnu Orchestra or Return to Forever will absolutely love this track. "Dead Pretty" also hits high on the fusion richter scale as well, while "Ancient Mysteries" sees the band getting their groove on with some white hot funk, Lumley's electric piano & synths leading the charge over some wicked bass and drum fills from Jones and Collins. The more airy & atmospheric "Why Don't You Lend Me Yours?" brings to mind classic Weather Report, as Jones' wonderfully melodic fretless bass lines recall vintage Jaco Pastorius and Lumley's electric piano & synth textures remind of the master, Joe Zawinul. Goodsall eventually joins the fray with some nasty riffing for a bit, before the band turn down the funk and bring things to a more tranquil coda. "Miserable Virgin" takes things to another level, as Collins & Jones are dangerously boiling underneath with some intricate grooves while Lumley's dazzling electric piano lines and Goodsall's scorching licks take this one into serious jazz-rock territory. Closer "Tito's Leg" is another wild funk/fusion vehicle, as Collins & Heyman provide some busy underpinnings for the slapping bass work of Jones and Goodsall & Lumley's wah-wah drenched licks. Look for a particularly scalding Goodsall solo on this one!

No doubt Brand X fans will love having these early recordings on CD, and to be honest, this material stacks up well against any of their official albums. Plus, this is Brand X approved, so don't hesitate to go out and get yourself a copy. Jazz-fusion lovers rejoice!

Track Listing 
1) Dead Pretty 
2) Kugelblitz 
3) Ancient Mysteries 
4) Who Don't You Lend Me Yours? 
5) Miserable Virgin 
6) Tito's Leg 4.5 stars

Added: February 7th 2014
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Gonzo Multimedia


 Review: BRAND X: Missing French Review (translated)

Written by Jean-Pierre 

As everyone knows, BRAND X is a group of British jazz fusion, the major albums were recorded during the 1970s and 1980s. 

guitarist John GOODSALL and bassist Percy Jones are the pillars of the group, while drummers like Phil COLLINS or Chuck BURGI came to add, over time, training on canvas psychedelic background created by the interventions keyboards Robin LUMLEY or J.Peter ROBINSON. 

With "Missing Period", released in 1997, Gonzo Multimedia label released tapes found by chance by the family of John GOODSALL and from rehearsals combo prior to recording their first album, from 1975 to 1976. 

The first five titles were picked up for an issue of the BBC, while the last track "Tito's Leg" was, for its part, for a set for the "Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club" in 1976. 

Here we are at heart a blessed period that saw the birth and development of fusion jazz rock, serving a "musicianship" flawless, fed by the sacrosanct jams considered a sine qua non of a memorable composition, or published on vinyl media recording. 

For those who would experience Phil Collins that through his solo career, this is not to say that they rediscover a musician of exceptional talent. 

artist today prevented from continuing his career with recurring back problems, has given generously over the years, where his heavy use of drums took the ascendancy over the parsimonious use of cymbals as trademark (remember in the air tonight). 

's solo double battery opened long gig was born here in the convulsive necessarily signs of a progressive rock tinged jazz, interspersed with moments of dazzling beauty. 
Anyway, the other musicians are no exception, and the guitar is John GOODSALL especially brilliant, summarizing the essence of what made the charm of MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA or RETURN TO FOREVER, while the low Percy Jones is the ruthless driver who will lead the training and public artistic success thread. 

Using piercing sounds for electric guitar, Hiram Bullock Bill CONNORS, through John Mc Laughlin and Al Di Meola first period, give SANTANA desire to temper the virtuosos all these people ardor (a sound to kill mutts, he said), and in preference to a softer sound to the ear, more mellow on Latin harmonies and downright blues roots. 

The sequence "Kugelblitz" and "Ancient Mysteries" is probably there was better on this disc, with the sudden acceleration of rhythm interrupted by passages of beautiful weather. 
But the intriguing "Miserable Virgin" is equally compelling, though more difficult to access during the first listen. 

Relive creative time between all thanks to the magic and warmth of analog recording limbo fired, frankly, you would be wrong to deprive such a pleasure!

- See more at:


The X Files - A 20 Year Retrospective
2CD - £11.99

Is There Anything About?
CD - £9.99

 Review: Brand X: Missing Period French review translated


BRAND X: Missing Period - 2013 Edition (1999)
Posted by Aladdin_Sane the 02/21/2014 Genre (s): JAZZ /ROCK
(A listen)
01. Pretty Dead, 02. Kugelblitz, 03. Ancient Mysteries, 04. Why Will not You Lend Me Yours? 05. Miserable Virgin, 06. Tito's Leg TRAINING: Phil Collins (Drums), John Goodsall (Guitars) Percy Jones (bass), Robin Lumley (Keyboard) TAGs: 70's , Fusion ,Jazzy , Technical


"Missing Period" is the reissue of a compilation of unreleased recordings from the period 1975-1976, that is to say before the release of the debut album "Unorthodox Behaviour."  Children of Miles Davis were at this time already created their group, they are also in place ( Mahavishnu Orchestra, Weather Report, Return To Forever ) and the electric jazz no longer scandal since the early 70's. It is in this context that landed an English band with a drummer already well known by the name of Phil Collins . Musically, Brand X has nothing to envy to other formations of jazz-rock of the era. There aa beautiful less mystical than the Mahavishnu Orchestra , under World-music as Weather Report , it is as technical as Return To Forever .Their music develops very accessible jazzy theme (too say their critics) and guitar John Goodsall sometimes recalls the sound and the particular set of Santana (listen to "Ancient Mysteries").
That there are interesting with Brand X , is his ability to master a variable tempo from one song to another and especially a musical sequence to another while still falling back on its feet. The musicians enjoyed playing together and it shows. We can appreciate the desire to Phil Collins to flourish as a drummer with the training while continuing adventure Genesis in parallel during this period.
Far from being a collection of demo, "Missing Period" brings to light training a bit overshadowed by those that are sometimes called children of Miles Davis with a collection of songs that, without great originality, dépareilleront not at all good lovers of jazz-rock.

More information about https://www.brandxmusic.org

 Review: Album Reviews: Brand X — Is There Anything About? / Missing Period / Live at the Roxy L.A.


It’s a popular (and not wholly inaccurate) contention that Phil Collins did his best work with Genesis in the immediate years after Peter Gabrielleft, and then – around the release of ABACAB, headed for the ditch creatively. Of course the commercial approach reaped rewards in terms of album sales; once Genesis quite being challenging (and, I’d say, interesting) they shifted a helluva lot more product.

Still, there’s no knocking Collins’ ability as a drummer, and in fact his musical taste in those days was a mite better than he sometimes got credit for. For several years he was deeply involved in a side project, a jazz fusion band calledBrand X. As it happened, Collins was an on-again, off-again member of this aggregation, owing largely to his commitment in his other band.

Being that it’s jazz fusion with which we’re concerning ourselves here, it’s safe to assume that Brand X rarely troubled the upper reaches of the album charts. Though in fact four of their eight studio LPs – including 1982′s Is There Anything About? the last to feature Collins – did in fact crack the US Top 200 charts, albeit briefly.

That 1982 album – actually culled from session tapes after Collins had left – has recently been reissued by Gonzo Multimedia, along with two other Brand X titles. Missing Period is a 1997 collection of “lost session tapes,” and 1996′s Live at the Roxy L.A. is a bootleg-quality document of a live Brand X gig from 1979.

Belying its cobbled-together nature, Is There Anything About?features some catchy fusion playing; highlights include the opening track, “Ipanemia” and the synth-based “TMIU-ATGA” (short for “they’re making it up as they go along”). Collins is in fine form, but the real stars here are guitarist John Goodsall and fretless bass virtuoso Percy Jones. Jones’ work on “Swan Song” suggests whatThe Police might’ve sounded like had they given weight to their own jazz inclinations. The band’s approach is perhaps best summed up on the aptly-titled “Modern, Noisy and Effective” (though the signature melody sounds, er, borrowed).

Missing Period collects session tapes dating from the band’s earliest days. Here they sound a bit like a more hyperactive version of Phil Manzanera‘s Quiet Sun; the various instruments all seem to be soloing at once, yet somehow it all (just) hangs together. “Dead Pretty” might not have impressed Genesis fans of the era, but for anyone who enjoys knotty, precise jazz fusion with equal emphasis on chops and melody, it’s impressive stuff. “Kugelblitz” recalls Frank Zappa‘s work around the same time. 

Collins and his bandmates are on fire and they play with a mix of reckless abandon and cold precision. Overall, though, the album seems to focus primarily on the work of keyboardist Robin Lumley. And that’s just fine. Comprised of six longish tunes (none clocks in under seven minutes), Missing Period flies by quickly, but deserves repeat plays.

The X Files - A 20 Year Retrospective
2CD - £11.99
Is There Anything About?
CD - £9.99
Live at the Roxy, LA 1979
CD - £9.99
Missing Period
CD - £9.99

 Review: Terrascope on Brand X

Gonzo Multimedia have been doing superb work of late, re-releasing a number of rock and progressive classics from musical eras gone by. The latest in this programme is a trio ofBrand X albums. Best known perhaps for including drum maestro and Genesis skins-basher Phil Collins, the band in fact featured a massive roster of jazz rock talent, including John Giblin (bass), Preston Heyman (percussion) and John Goodsall (guitars). ‘Is There Anything About?’ features the final proper line-up of the band, and will certainly appeal to lovers of Steps Ahead, Jean-Luc Ponty et al. Although technically a ‘rarities’ (iecontractual obligation) album, the musicianship is uniformly excellent and the sounds really nice, albeit with a bit of an 'eighties glaze. 'A Longer April' (sax ahoy!) and the bass-heavy and mightily groovy title track are the standout cuts. ‘{Missing Period}’ is something special for Brand X freaks, as it amounts to a never before released first album, thought lost, recorded in 1975 and '76, but recently rediscovered in the family vaults of John Goodsall. 
The sound is pretty good overall. 'Dead Pretty' is a high-intensity opener with shed-loads of solos and a sliding, growling bass, while the eleven minute 'Kugelblitz' features some Ponty-esque synths and the kind of guitar solos Alan Holdsworth was doing at the time; also hints of the Mahavishnu Orchestra in the top/tail chord structures. Still loads of original stuff though. 'Why Won't You Lend Me Yours?' brings in a little more variety - there's a terrific strings/breakdown section in the middle powered in large part by Percy Jones' bass - while concluding cut 'Tito's Leg' is just manic. Sixty-odd minutes of the band at their live peak is what's offered on ‘Live At The Roxy LA,’ which dates from 1979 and features Robin Lumley on keyboards. This is a previously unreleased soundboard recording. The tracks are all quite long - typically twelve minutes - and allow the band to breathe a little; witness the synth/drum opening, with the full band coming in section by section. The audience is enthusiastic and the improvised sections are great, with bassist Percy Jones on particularly fine form. The album highlight for me is 'Malaga Virgin' which features all those wibbly synth solos and fuzzed guitar scorches that you expect from jazz rock. Much US-style whooping from the audience here! Finally, something a little different is Percy Jones' solo album ‘Cape Catastrophe,’ which dates from the late 'eighties and was recorded in New York. Comprising eight tracks, the music is founded in a drum machine and various synths, with Jones' bass added live during a digital mixdown. The mood is distinctly cooler than the classic Brand X material, with hints of techno (sampled rhythms and weirdness) and electronica, all overlaid with bass parts that sometimes you might count as solos, elsewhere as accompaniment.
The lengthier tracks are the standouts: 'Cape Catastrophe' (found sounds and digital rhythms that hint at the ethnic dance music that was to follow a few years later) and the twenty three minute 'Barrio,' which is a weird amalgam of ethnic sounds, rhythmic glitches and sliding bass. In places gothic, elsewhere a kind of trippy minimalism.

 Review: US review

Classic Unreleased Progrock by Brand X

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While Brand X was considered an experimental side-project by Genesis' Phil Collins, in actuality the band was a gestalt of some of the more talented talents from the progressive music genre of the late Seventies, including: Percy Jones, Brian Lumley, John Goodsall, and Morris Pert.
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BRAND X: Missing Period (CD on Gonzo Multimedia)
This CD released in 2013 features 51 minutes of previously unreleased music recorded in 1975-76, prior to the band's "debut" album.
For this release, the band line-up is: Phil Collins (on drums), John Goodsall (on guitar), Preston Heyman (on percussion), Percy Jones (on bass) and Robin Lumley (on keyboards).
High energy tuneage generated by instruments in the hands of master performers.
Rhythms are mostly dominant here, a plethora of them, cascading out with determined fury. A series of exquisite tempos interweave their complexity to form a dazzling tangle of wondrous coherency. The percussion is astounding in its slick delivery and relentless entanglement. Besides the standard drum kit, a profusion of inventive beats are displayed, lending extra layers to the crowded tempos.
The guitar delivers searing riffs of blazing character. These riffs spout with hyperactive beauty, shimmering and coalescing into melodics of superior luster.
The basslines are equally complex and spry, creating a throbbing bottom that frequently surfaces to lead the tunes.
The keyboards provide an endless stream of sinuous threads that glisten with progressive charisma. Often utilizing the higher end of the sonic spectrum, these keys sparkle like gems burning with interior lighting, casting off radiant riffs that sweep and soar and cavort with cosmic jubilation.
These compositions exhibit an unbridled enthusiasm, delivering tuneage that is captivating and exhausting. Infusing modern jazz with an agile rock influence, these songs seethe with more oomph than one can imagine.

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