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Joey Molland - This Way Up (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 27th January 2014

Label: Gonzo
Catalogue Number: HST164CD
Price: £9.99

Joey Molland - This Way Up

Poor Badfinger; if ever there was a pop group “born under a bad sign” it was them. Things started off quite auspiciously. As The Iveys they signed to The Beatles’ Apple Records and had a hit single. However, they decided that their name, and their image were a little old-fashioned and for reasons that remain obscure, their guitarist left. Exit Ron Griffiths and enter Joey Molland. Badfinger was born.

They had hit singles with the Paul-McCartney-penned Come and Get It (recorded just as Griffiths was leaving the band) and No Matter What, and perhaps their greatest moment was when Harry Nilsson had a massive worldwide hit with their song Without You in 1972. After that it was all downhill. And downhill very very fast.

The band were the last non-Beatles artists to release an album on Apple, and a move to Warner Brothers was not a success. There were grave management issues (which were so contentious that even now it is probably not safe to put in writing) and – probably as a result of these internal pressures – two members of the band (Pete Ham in 1975 and Tom Evans in 1983) committed suicide by hanging.

Joey Molland, who had written the vast majority of the group’s later output, remains an immensely under-rated and very talented songwriter whose career has been blighted by the appalling catalogue of disasters that had overtaken his band. He put out a string of massively under-rated solo albums including this one from 2001, which was originally independently released.

CD Universe describes the album as:  '…one of the best solo discs that ex-members of the Beatles never made. It bears repeating -- This Way Up contains the essence of what was great about those early solo Beatles albums, not surprising because Molland played on some of them. The surprise is that a sideman from those sessions has created a mini-masterpiece rivaling, and on some songs equaling, those classic and important recordings. As good as Molland's power trio is live, why it doesn't perform originals onstage the way they are presented on this disc is a mystery. Molland is an excellent guitarist, and in concert he can veer off from the hit material and rival Pat Travers. That isn't always what his audience wants -- what his audience wants are the pretty guitar lines and vocals in a song like "The Bust," a slice of the stuff that made everyone into Badfinger fans, still alive and well and current. This is a very, very excellent recording, make no mistake about that. From the opening track, "Mirrors," to the bounce of "Happy," and from the cool John Lennon-ish "This Must Be Love" to the final production, a moody and melancholy "Isn't That a Dream," 13 perfectly constructed songs by Molland do more than just carry on a tradition -- they combine to give proof that this style of music is still so very vital.'

Originally from Liverpool, Molland now lives in America where he continues to write and perform some beautiful music. Let’s hope, with the re-release of this fantastic record, that his star is finally in the ascendant. If so, then there really is some justice in the universe.          



 Review: Joey Molland Review

This Way Up / Demos Old And New
I quite likes his last album, “Return To Memphis”, saying that “take on classic rock meets Memphis soul had its moments”, and off the back of that release, he’s had a root around in his cupboard, and come up with a reissue and some old tapes. 

“This Way Up” is actually very enjoyable, and it’s one that a lot of Badfinger fans would relate to. If they missed it when it came out in 2001, they should do themselves a favour and catch up with some excellent tuneage such as ‘Happy’, the very Beatlesbandey ‘This Must Be Love’ and the fabulous closer ‘Isn’t That a Dream’. Seriously, it’s good.

“Demos Old And New”, however, is a different beast, and one for those who have to have absolutely everything. With songs from the seventies, eighties and nineties, it ranges all over the place in genre, quality and sound. But stick with “This Way Up” , and you’ll be fine.
Demos Old And New
CD - £9.99

Return To Memphis
SCD - £9.99

This Way Up
CD - £9.99

 Review: Joey Molland review


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Joe Molland This Way Up Gonzo 2014

The bad boy of Badfinger re-releases a hard to find gem!

Brent Black / www.criticaljazz.com

Badfinger was a band that was somewhat haunted by misfortune, it happens. Joe Molland has recently released the critically acclaimed Return To Memphis. Going deeper into the vault the long appreciated and even harder to locate This Way Up from 2002 is now being made available. Some of questioned the strength of Molland's voice and while time takes a toll on any vocalist, I call this character. The release itself includes the smoker "Three Minute Warning" and "Moonlight" which highlights the long forgotten if not ignored versatility of the Badfinger legend.

Badfinger fans should flock to this release and those that like their rock to go just a little deeper than what you are force fed on what is left of commercial radio should give this a shot as well. Badfinger may have been a rock and roll casualty but Joe Molland is a survivor!

4 Stars

Tracks: Mirrors; Happy; A Way To Be; The Bust; This Must Be Love; Moonlight; Another Honeymoon; When I Was A Boy; Angels Like Us; What Else; Tell Me; Three Minute Warning; Isn't That A Dream.
Demos Old And New
CD - £9.99

Return To Memphis
SCD - £9.99

This Way Up
CD - £9.99

 Review: Joey Molland reviews


British musician, Joey Molland (Badfinger) has been quite happy with the success of his latest release "Return To Memphis," which was released late last year. He shows no signs of slowing down as he has a handful of shows scheduled along the eastern U.S., until the three-day Beatle Festival in Los Angeles in October. Now, through Gonzo Multimedia, Joey Molland will be releasing two of his hard to find solo albums, "This Way Up" and "Demos Old And New."
The album "This Way Up" was originally released in 2001 and was considered by many to be Molland's greatest success since being in Badfinger. The thirteen song release begins with the up-tempo retro sound of "Mirrors" as is looks to capture the later days of Badfinger. He almost sounds as if he is auditioning for the Traveling Wilburys with the classic Petty-esque rocker "Happy." His voice and the melody of "This Must Be Love" sounds timeless, while he stretches out his sound on the six-minute recollection "When I Was A Boy." Molland took some notes when he worked with John Lennon for the dream-like feel of "What Else (Nothing)," before the album closes with the modern flair of "Isn't That A Dream?"

The second new release from Joey Molland is "Demos Old And New," which mixes many "work in-progress" songs from 1972 to 1995. This seventeen song release is a mixed bag as you get a feel of where Molland was with his thinking at that point of his career. Beginning with "I Said It's Alright" you get a feel for Molland trying out the grungy/punk appeal of the early nineties, while "Clouds Of Love" has that refreshing feel of early eighties rock and roll. The acoustic demo for the Badfinger song "Miss Misunderstood" and the early 1981 demo "Moonlight" shows what a great songwriter Molland is as the music is stripped down to its simplest form.

To find out more about these two new releases in the Joey Molland catalog, please visit gonzomultimedia.com.

Demos Old And New
CD - £9.99

Return To Memphis
SCD - £9.99

This Way Up
CD - £9.99

 Review: Belgium review translated


Molland, Joe - This way up
/ Published on 26-08-2014 /
On the occasion of the release of the new album ofJoey Molland , Return to Memphis " , which also meets a great success, Gonzo Multimedia label put on the market two other albums of the last survivor of the group Badfinger . One is a compilation of unreleased tracks and studio outtakes from various periods and the other is that "This way up" , album released in 2001 and was without a successor until the release of "Return to Memphis" . 
At the time, Joey Molland is involved in his solo career, which he opened in 1983 following the separation of Badfinger, or rather his lack of combatants failed because the group once protected the Beatles and their label Apple has lost its second member by suicide,Tom Evans , who joined in death Pete Ham , who died in 1975 Alone, Joey Molland fate Albums "After the pearl" (1983), "The Pilgrim" (1992) "Basil" (1998) and "This way up" (2001). we had the opportunity to speak well of the album "Return to Memphis" in a previous column, but when listening to "This way up" ( where he calls himself Joe Molland), we understand why Joey Molland took some time to find a successor. Indeed, one can say that "This way up" is a great album that could not be surpassed soon after its release. Joey Molland includes thirteen songs spotless, made ​​a smooth and efficient power pop, grabbing the ear the first time.The moods are varied and go with ease enthusiasm ( "Mirrors" ) to melancholy ("Moonlight" ), with rock twists that boost machine just when to ( "Three minutes warning" ). On "When I was a boy" , words that remind one inevitably mark the"She Said, she Said" by the Beatles ( "when I Was a boy, everything was brighter" ).
And it is true that in addition to the link between the Beatles Badfinger, many things in this album redolent the soaring pop of Wings or George Harrison. Fans of well-crafted power pop can carefree indulge in this beautiful What surprise "This time up" , a flawless album, except the cover, just awful. But a record is made ​​to be listened to, not watched.

François Becquart

 Review: Portugal review translated


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Review: This Way Up (Joe Molland)

This Way Up (Joe Molland)
(2014, Gonzo Multimedia)
We have already said in a previous chronicle the success of Return To Memphis last job Joey Molland sparked an increased interest in the work of formerBadfinger which led to Gonzo Multimediaediting at a stroke, two historical documents: Demos Old And New, on which attention is focused since the reissue of 2001 album, This Way Up , in height as Joe Molland . This Way Up features a set of topics within the spectrumrock soft, naturally with references to Badfinger and the Beatles . Guitarssoft , calm melodies and frequent use of the mark the rhythmic acoustic guitar rhythms. And in 2001 the album was well received, it now seems a little more difficult because these songs appear too dated and not have that aura of immortality. There are of course some good moments. Incidentally, neither could it be otherwise, given the relative success at the time. For example, the low work in superb The Bust ; achieved with a great melodyThis Must Be Love ; soil bluesy in Moonlight ; rhythms in the piano cabaret ofAnother Honeymoon ; the grand finale guitar work on What Else (Nothing) - interestingly one of the most monotonous themes of the disc; and especially the rhythms rock 'n' roll of Three Minute Warning . As can be seen, it is almost generally, detail included in the songs and not all the topics. So, This Way Up turns out to be a hard something repetitive that at any time it appears that will explode, jump to the level of immortality ... but never can.
1.      Mirrors
2.      Happy
3.      A Way To Be
4.      The Bust
5.      This Must Be Love
6.      Moonlight
7.      Another Honeymoon
8.      When I Was A Boy
9.      Angels Like Us
10.  What Else (Nothing)
11.  Tell Me
12.  Three Minute Warning
13.  Isn’t That A Dream?
J. Molland - vocals, guitars, percussion
Mr. Molland - acoustic guitar
J. Molland III - guitarra only (# 10)
R. Anderson - guitarra only (# 11), slide guitar (# 13)
T. lecher – baixo
M. Healey – baixo (#9)
H. Pulver - keyboards
B. Miller - drums
A. Dee – lap steel (#12)

 Review: Molland; Joey: This Way Up

Molland; Joey: This Way Up

Now this is more like it (check out the Demos Old And New review elsewhere for details...); This Way Up an excellent reissue of the 2001 album from the onetime Badfinger man Joey Molland. It finds him in fine form.

Renowned for his early session work with the Beatles, no less, there have been claims that This Way Up rivals any of the solo efforts from the members of that revered outfit. That's a bold claim and one this album could never live up to. However that doesn't stop This Way Up being a considered collection of tracks that could, in style, happily sit somewhere on albums by Harrison, Lennon or McCartney. From that you'll have no doubt that we're in the realms of classy rock with hooks, poignancy and melody. Indeed the likes of "This Must Be Love" could have, with the right exposure, been a chart hit; a gentle Lennon like lilt and considered vocal offering a fine balance between heartfelt emotion, pop hooks and melancholy. While "When I Was A Boy" has more Harrison about it, a slightly edgier feel still revelling in an easy pace and jaunty outlook. As with all of the songs on this album, a sing along chorus is also guaranteed. By modern standards there's little doubt that the area within which Molland works is tame in the extreme and yet for listeners of a certain age (and those with interest in more than the "current" scene) the gentle sway and fragile vocal of "What Else (Nothing)", the rock n' roll sway of "Three Minute Warning" and jangly good times of "A Way To Be" will bring a smile to face.
The advice in my review for Demos Old And New is that it is for dedicated Joey Molland fans only. However with This Way Up I'd suggest the opposite is true. This is solo Molland near his best and there are many songs here that will appeal to those whose memories hark back to simpler, less genre defined days. Fans of Joey Molland and Badfinger will enjoy this album hugely, as will those of the Beatles and their offshoots. Or indeed those simply with a penchant for straight ahead vintage rock with pop sensibilities.

Track Listing
1. Mirrors
2. Happy
3. A Way To Be
4. The Bust
5. This Must Be Love
6. Moonlight
7. Another Honeymoon
8. When I Was A Boy
9. Angels Like Us
10. What Else (Nothing)
11. Tell Me
12. 2 Minute Warning
13. Isn't That A Dream

 Review: US Review


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Joey Molland

Joe Molland – This Way Up

Review by G. W. Hill
First off, this album is actually released under the name “Joe Molland.” It’s the same guy, though, just a slight variant on his name. Rather than set things up under a separate artist page and create confusion, and since “Joey Molland” is already in, we’ve put this one under that name. With that out of the way, how is this album? It’s great. It’s a blend of classic rock sounds and other things. It’s catchy and quite entertaining. If you’ve liked Joe Molland’s work (either with Badfinger or solo) you should enjoy this. It would also be a great introduction.
Track by Track Review
After a cool introduction, we’re taken into a catchy pop rock song. This is very Beatles-like, but with older rock and roll in the mix, too. The background vocals add a lot, but the whole song is just cool.
I love the little riff that opens this. This is an energetic rocker that has a lot going for it. The vocal hooks are great and the whole tune just rocks.        
A Way To Be
Although there is still a lot of classic rock in the mix here, this has a more modern sound. This has a very positive vibe and it’s energetic and catchy.               
The Bust
While I love the whole song structure here, it’s the organ sound that really adds a lot of style. This is another great pop rock tune with classic elements.
This Must Be Love
I like this one a lot, too. It almost has a space rock element to it, and perhaps some hints of surf music. There is definitely a bit of an ELO vibe on the chorus. It’s catchy and quite tasty.
A mellower tune, this is very much a Beatles-like pop rock tune.                  
Another Honeymoon
I love the bouncy vibe of this number. The bits of piano are great, too. This is just so catchy and so cool. It’s possibly my favorite piece here.
When I Was a Boy
There is a lot of drama and magic on this cut. It’s another that has some hints of ELO, too. It’s a great cut, but everything here fits under that hat. The trippy closing section is very psychedelic and very cool.
Angels Like Us
This one has more of an old time rock and roll sound going on for it.
What Else (Nothing)
Here we get another Beatles-esque ballad. It reminds me a bit of Rod Stewart at times, too. Later segments really make me think of David Bowie, too.
Tell Me
Old time rock and roll and a bit of country are blended on this balladic number. This is very old fashioned in sound. It again has definite Beatles elements. It’s good, but not one of the better tunes here.   
Three Minute Warning
Complete with a bit of a honky tonk piano solo, this is old time rock and roll through and through. There is some great slide guitar built into this, too.
Isn't That a Dream
This rocker is good, but definitely the weakest tune on display here. It’s not the best choice for closer for that reason. I think the set would have worked better if this had been placed somewhere in the middle.

 Review: US Review

Joey Molland

Joe Molland – This Way Up

Review by G. W. Hill

First off, this album is actually released under the name “Joe Molland.” It’s the same guy, though, just a slight variant on his name. Rather than set things up under a separate artist page and create confusion, and since “Joey Molland” is already in, we’ve put this one under that name. With that out of the way, how is this album? It’s great. It’s a blend of classic rock sounds and other things. It’s catchy and quite entertaining. If you’ve liked Joe Molland’s work (either with Badfinger or solo) you should enjoy this. It would also be a great introduction.

Track by Track Review


After a cool introduction, we’re taken into a catchy pop rock song. This is very Beatles-like, but with older rock and roll in the mix, too. The background vocals add a lot, but the whole song is just cool.

I love the little riff that opens this. This is an energetic rocker that has a lot going for it. The vocal hooks are great and the whole tune just rocks.

A Way To Be
Although there is still a lot of classic rock in the mix here, this has a more modern sound. This has a very positive vibe and it’s energetic and catchy.

The Bust
While I love the whole song structure here, it’s the organ sound that really adds a lot of style. This is another great pop rock tune with classic elements.

This Must Be Love
I like this one a lot, too. It almost has a space rock element to it, and perhaps some hints of surf music. There is definitely a bit of an ELO vibe on the chorus. It’s catchy and quite tasty.

A mellower tune, this is very much a Beatles-like pop rock tune.

Another Honeymoon
I love the bouncy vibe of this number. The bits of piano are great, too. This is just so catchy and so cool. It’s possibly my favorite piece here.

When I Was a Boy
There is a lot of drama and magic on this cut. It’s another that has some hints of ELO, too. It’s a great cut, but everything here fits under that hat. The trippy closing section is very psychedelic and very cool.

Angels Like Us
This one has more of an old time rock and roll sound going on for it.

What Else (Nothing)
Here we get another Beatles-esque ballad. It reminds me a bit of Rod Stewart at times, too. Later segments really make me think of David Bowie, too.

Tell Me
Old time rock and roll and a bit of country are blended on this balladic number. This is very old fashioned in sound. It again has definite Beatles elements. It’s good, but not one of the better tunes here.

Three Minute Warning
Complete with a bit of a honky tonk piano solo, this is old time rock and roll through and through. There is some great slide guitar built into this, too.

Isn't That a Dream
This rocker is good, but definitely the weakest tune on display here. It’s not the best choice for closer for that reason. I think the set would have worked better if this had been placed somewhere in the middle.


 Review: German review translated


Joe Molland / This Way Up
This Way Up Playing time: 55:17
Format: CD
Label: Gonzo Multimedia, 2014 (2001)
Style: Pop / Rock

Review on 05/09/2014 Wolfgang Giese

Joey Molland occurs on this production from 2001 as Joe on. Taken was this - his third - solo album in Minneapolis and now published again. Already at that time not appreciated by many buyers, it is probably now more likely to attract the fans. This album of professionals has been recognized as a masterpiece and actually compared to the early solo works of the former Beatles .
Such advance influenced, I will try to find my own way to this board. The first issue I had been hereadopted. One of the criticisms concerned the good in Your old, slightly brittle sounding voice. Now, in 2001 sounded Molland still fresh. Yes, and this vitality relates to the music.
A little reminds me of it in whole at some of what George Harrison after the demise of the Beatleshad published - and after those plates the seventies and eighties. That is, Molland strong swims in the waters of yesteryear. Here he seems to feel right at home. He and his band present knotless pop music with heavy rock character and it brings joy to listen to the melodious sound rich guitars, as it quite admirably succeeded, for example, on "Happy". The character of many catchy songs falls on pleasant. A little buzzing me as well as comparison Tom Petty around in my head and in "This Must Be Love" and one or the other song, it is even John Lennon , who comes to mind. Unbelievable: In "Moonlight" I think immediately of Paul McCartney !
So I am going through on my warrior hear a collection of well-composed songs, which are of high quality. The protagonist is further demonstrated as an elegant and accomplished guitarist with a very beautiful solo slots. It is incomprehensible to me so far, why this record is not struck like a bomb in 2001.
From the context of the dry drying title "Three Minute Warning", who is also the band falls Rockpilehad and their individual contributors confessed to shame. Finally, it is then again very atmospheric with a strong romantic melancholy orientation.
In addition, all texts are included in the booklet, so they still act as rounding a really good and unfortunately forgotten Popscheibe with Rockappeal. Who has the time failed to buy this record, which I recommend to anyone / everyone with a turn to the music of the Beatles to purchase this disc now quickly, before it disappears from the market.
Joe Molland (vocals, guitars, percussion)
Doug Molland (acoustic guitar),
Joe Molland III (lead guitar - # 10)
Randy Anderson (lead guitar - # 11, slide guitar - # 13)
Tom Lecher (bass)
Mark Healey (bass - # 9)
Harry powder (keyboards)
Bob Millea (drums)
A. Dee (lap steel - # 12)
01: Mirrors (4:15)
02: Happy (3:50)
03: To Be A Way (3:59)
04: The Bust (4:07)
05: This Must Be Love (4:02)
06: Moonlight (4:15)
07: Another Honeymoon (3:20)
08: When I Was A Boy (5:59)
09: Angels Like Us (2:51)
10: What Else (Nothing) (5:32)
11: Tell Me (4:02)
12: Three Minute Warning (4:16)
13: Is not That A Dream? (4:43) (all words and music by Molland)

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