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Robert Calvert - Hype (Book)

Release Date: 11th June 2013

Label: Gonzo
Catalogue Number: 9781908728333
Price: £9.99

Robert Calvert - Hype

Hype - 'And now, for all you speeding street smarties out there, the one you've all been waiting for, the one that'll pierce your laid-back ears, decoke your sinuses, cut clean thru the schlock-rock, MOR/crossover, techno-flash mind mush. It's the new Number One with a bullet ... with a bullet ... It's Tom (Supernova) Mahler with a pan-galactic biggie ...'

And the Hype goes on. And on. Hype, an amphetamine-hit of a story by Hawkwind collaborator Robert Calvert. Who's been there and made it back again. The debriefing session starts here.


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