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Galahad - Beyond The Realms of Euphoria (CD)

Genre: Prog rock
Release Date: 12th November 2012

Label: Avalon
Catalogue Number: GHCD11
Price: £9.99

Galahad - Beyond The Realms of Euphoria

‘Beyond the Realms of Euphoria’ is the second new studio album to be released this year from established English progressive rock band Galahad . Recorded, engineered and mixed by Karl Groom (Threshold) at Thin Ice studios in Surrey. ‘Beyond the Realms of Euphoria’, Galahad’s Eighth studio album, shows the band treading similar water to that of ‘Battle Scars’ which was released earlier in 2012 but with a few additional and unexpected twists and turns As with ‘Battle Scars’, ‘Euphoria’ contains a plethora of different styles from rock and metal through to techno, ambient and dance sounds via occasional nods to traditional Prog! Throughout, the production is modern and pristine, incorporating powerful, direct guitar riffs, lush keyboard arrangements and occasional quieter passages of subtle beauty, melding together to create an often massively wide and epic sound. ‘Beyond the Realms of Euphoria’ is yet more Galahad music for the 21st century. Also, in recognition of the band’s 25 year plus history, a new recording of their classic song Richelieu’s Prayer, featuring previous band member Mark Andrews (who wrote the original music for Richelieu’s) on additional keyboards, is included as a bonus track on the CD and download version. As always, the proof of the pudding is in the listening. Go on, give it a whirl, leave your pre-conceptions at the door and play it loud! We feel that ‘Beyond the Realms of Euphoria’ represents another wonderful and colourful new chapter in the evolution of Galahad music and hope you do too!



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