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Rick Wakeman and Gordon Giltrap - From Brush and Stone (CD)

Genre: Classical/Experiment
Release Date: 4th October 2012

Label: Gonzo
Catalogue Number: HST018-S
Price: £7.99

Rick Wakeman and Gordon Giltrap - From Brush and Stone

Both Gordon Giltrap and Rick Wakeman have formidable reputations in the music world each having experienced huge commercial and critical success over the last forty years. The two musicians are also good friends and have long wanted to collaborate together on a project where they can both bring their individual talents to bear. From Brush and Stone is such an album and the first time the two musicians have been able to get together and work together.

As the title implies there is a theme running through the album and that theme is in pieces of art, from painting (From Brush) and sculpture (And Stone).

The two musicians work well together on tracks such as David, The Thinker and The Light of the World. There is also a re recording of one of Gordon Giltrap's most famous songs. Maddie Goes West.

Both artists have a massive following and as this release will appeal to both the fan base of Gordon Giltrap and Rick Wakeman the album will surely find a large and willing audience.



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