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Peter McAdam - The Nine Henrys (Book)

Release Date: 6th August 2012

Label: Gonzo
Catalogue Number: 9781908728319
Price: £8.99

Peter McAdam - The Nine Henrys

The World's First Cloned Cartoon Character

The Nine Henrys are a quirky bunch of cloned cartoon characters.

They live in a strange lo-fi domestic surrealist world peopled by talking rock buns and elephants on wobbly stilts.

Over the years the Henrys have been published in a variety of magazines and now here for the first time 

they are brought together in a compendium of line art craziness.



Peter McAdam
Peter McAdam

HENRY’S quite a character, as are his clones. David Whetstone enters the surreal world of Peter McAdam as his first book is published.

YOU might have seen Henry or even one of his clones. They’re all called Henry, as you might expect. There are nine of them in all.

They have been appearing in magazines around the North East for the past 10 years or so and they are the work of Peter McAdam who describes himself as a serious artist but who revels in the less serious side of life.

Read More https://www.journallive.co.uk/culture-newcastle/2012/08/11/peter-mcadam-book-the-nine-henrys-is-published-61634-31598305/#ixzz23EMqiYDD

 Review: PETER McADAM: A stonking review


The Nine Henrys
Peter McAdam,

Gonzo Media Group,

If you’re in need of a real leftfield treat (and let’s face it WHO ISN’T?) then grab a hold of Peter McAdam’s collection of cartoons which feature his bunch of cloned cartoon characters, The Nine Henrys. His line drawings are rudimentary at best (he makes David Shrigley’s efforts look like the work of Raphael) but it’s the whirrings of his fevered brain which are really being mapped out here. One Henry (they look like a potato crisp, with mouth and eyes) looses a leg and is captioned “The side effects of Nietzschian philosophy and Post-Hegelian dualism were taking their toll” while another sprouts battlements with the accompanying legend “Beginning with his arms, Henry was turning into a heritage site”.

Elsewhere Henry goes to the movies for a wonky take on Blade Runner, Dirty Harry, The Elephant Man and more, but wherever they turn up, they’re underpinned by McAdam’s supremely surrealistic take on life. (Note: The book is having a launch at The Stand Comedy Club on Saturday August 18, 2-6pm, with Martin Stephenson, Gypsy Dave Smith and guests). RM

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