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Lars Kjaedegaard/Dave Swarbrick - Accompanying Dave Swarbrick (DVD/CD)
Genre: FolkRelease Date: 11th July 2011
Label: GonzoCatalogue Number: HST080DVDPrice: £12.99
Documentary portrait of the legendary English Fiddler Dave Swarbrick. The documentary was originally conceived and written by Swarbrick’s long-time friend and collaborator Lars Kjaedegaard, a Danish novelist and musician who has backed Swarbrick on many tours of Denmark in the last thirty years. The film was made by Lars’s daughter Sascha Pepke and her working partner Line Buttenschon. It offers an intimate portrait of Swarbrick on the road and chronicles his fifty-year-long career, his victory over severe illness and shows his unique playing as seen through the eyes of his friend and accompanist. This package also includes one hour of original concert footage and a music CD capturing Dave and Lars live in Denmark.
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