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Tony Palmer - All My Loving (Book)

Genre: -
Release Date: 8th June 2009

Label: Tony Palmer Films
Catalogue Number: TPBOOK1
Price: £24.99

Tony Palmer - All My Loving
All My Loving: The Films of Tony Palmer is the first book-length study of a man who, in a career of more than half a century, has directed and produced more than a hundred documentary and theatrical films, directed stage plays and operas, authored books and columns, hosted radio and television programmes, and garnered dozens of awards, including multiple Italia Prizes (television's most coveted award)
"the best director in television", according to Ken Russell, Palmer takes us back stage to protest-and-acid-fuelled rock concerts with his friend John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix, glittering Las Vegas shows with Michael Crawford, legendary ballet performances with Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev, memorable stage productions with Richard Burton and playwright John Osborne, politically-charged operas with John Adams and Peter Sellars, and music festivals with Benjamin Britten in Aldeburgh, Placido Domingo in Salzburg, Yehudi Menuhin in London, Maria Callas in Paris and Valery Gergiev in St Petersburg's Mariinsky Theatre in Russia. Palmer knew them all.
In the words of renowned film critic and historian David Thomson "Palmer has made an absolutely unique contribution to films about art and music. A genius sitting in our own backyard."
First 300 copies signed by Tony Palmer.


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