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Andi Sex Gang - Dracula Double CD (Miscellaneous)

Genre: Indie
Release Date: 17th May 2010

Label: Pink Noise
Catalogue Number: PKNECD105
Price: £9.99

Andi Sex Gang - Dracula Double CD

Bram Stoker's Dracula has become one of the best known works of horror fiction to ever have been published. In 1897, when the novel was first released to the public, no one at the time could have known the impact that the story of this vampire would make and that the after-effects would continue for over 100 years. Inspired in part by the true life Vlad Tepes (aka Vlad the Impaler, Vlad Dracula), the character of Dracula would make make his way into films beginning with the unofficial adaptation Nosferatu in 1922 and the first official take Dracula in 1931.

Now in 2010 musician/spoken-word performance-artist Andi Sex Gang brings Bram Stoker's undead creation to a new medium. Following Stoker's original texts, Sex Gang narrates the story of Dracula along with incidental music created especially for this project. Sex Gang has hit the UK indie music charts top 30 with 8 singles and 5 albums since debuting in 1982.


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