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Sex Gang Children - Live in Vienna (CD)

Genre: Indie
Release Date: 14th February 2011

Label: Pink Noise
Catalogue Number: PKNECD104
Price: £7.99

Sex Gang Children - Live in Vienna

The Sex Gang Children have been one of the leading lights of the Goth movement for almost thirty years. Formed by and still led by the enigmatic Andi Sexgang in 1981 the band's name is sourced from a line William Burroughs that appeared in a song by Bow Wow Wow the name was originally going to be used for the new band led by Boy George. When the name did not find favour with the other members of what would eventually become Culture Club George gave the name to Andi who christened his own band. In their time the band has released a number of critically acclaimed and commercially successful albums together and whilst the band broke up initially in the mid eighties they have resurfaced on occasion with new material and been involved in the re packaging of old material. They are still considered one of the longest lasting and most consistent "Goth" bands however whenever the band have appeared they have always be nothing less than innovative and exciting

As a solo artist Andi Sexgang Has also been highly prolific away from the band releasing his first solo album shortly after the Sex Gang Children split.

The Sex gang Children Live in Vienna is the latest album to come from the enigmatic Andi Sexgang. The album was recorded in Vienna on November 1st 2002 with a line up that included guitarist Adrian Portas, Violinist Martin Olofsson, bassist Kevin Matthews, Drummer Carl Magnusson and Andi Sex Gang vocals.

At the time of this concert the band's latest album was Bastard Art and a number of tracks including Propoganda, Freedom Street and Slave are featured in the set.

The Sex Gang Children retain a huge dedicated cult following and this album will be welcomed by the fan base.



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