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Karnataka - Delicate Flame Of Desire (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 10th February 2003

Label: Karnataka
Catalogue Number: KTKCD003
Price: £9.99

Karnataka - Delicate Flame Of Desire

Karnataka's much anticipated third album begins an ambitious new chapter that makes for a compelling listening experience. Sensual, spiritual and unrestrained by musical boundaries, the dramatic, multi-layered arrangements combine with haunting vocal melodies to create a powerful and epic work where panoramic soundscapes give way to fragile moments of acoustic intimacy, from the evolving intensity of Heart Of Stone to the desolate imagery of Out Of Reach.

Produced by the highly regarded Steve Evans (who also worked on Catatonia's International Velvet and Leftfield's Leftism) the melodic songs and dynamic arrangements are given a highly polished sheen.

Picked up for airplay by Bob Harris, it has already received a number of plays on his Radio 2 programme, promotional activity includes interviews with Malcolm Dome on Total Rock Radio and Radio Caroline.



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