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Don Preston - Retrospective (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 20th April 2009

Label: Crossfire
Catalogue Number: 9514-2
Price: £7.99

Don Preston - Retrospective

A career-spanning collection (1965-2007) of fascinating DP compositions/performances – the natural sequel to both Vile Foamy Ectoplasm and Works. Spoken word, electronics, fusion, piano solos and duos with Bunk Gardner unite to define the mastery of Don Preston’s career.

Don Preston has enjoyed the most diverse musical career of any original Mothers Of Invention member.  Preston’s earliest documented compositions (included here) go all the way back to 1957.  In Don’s hands, any type of music is presented with a unique perspective.

Retrospective includes new piano solo recordings of Aegospotamos, his father’s tune  A Private Lesson and the brief 1965 outtake Found Again with Bunk Gardner that was located at the end of the reel for Don’s composition Found (on the Works CD).  Don and Bunk’s duo recordings are represented by six further tracks on this collection, not counting their live performances with The Grandmothers.

Preston classics like I Can’t Breathe, The Eye Of Agamoto and Sweet 15 are presented in their original early-‘70s versions.

The 23 tracks on this release include 10 unreleased titles, with the rest remastered from the original mixdown tapes.  Whether you’re a fan of Don Preston’s experimental work or just simply his keyboard prowess, Retrospective offers Don at his best.



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