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Various Artists - I Believe In Music - The History Of The Gross Prophet (DCD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 9th February 2009

Label: Crossfire
Catalogue Number: 9513-2
Price: £9.99

Various Artists - I Believe In Music - The History Of The Gross Prophet

The Gross Prophet was the band that Redlands, Californi,a relied on for public and private events from 1970 to 1994.  The members of The Gross Prophet were seasoned surf and rock veterans in California’s Inland Empire.  The band’s prime line-up consisted of bassist/vocalist Gerald Sanders (Tornadoes), Jack Sessums (Never So Few), keyboardist Dick Zeiner (The Truants) and drummer Carl Hubert (The Genteels). 

This 50-track, double CD collection features tracks recorded by Gross Prophet members before, during and after their time in the band (1962–1999). In addition to twenty-three unreleased tracks recorded by The Gross Prophet for promotion purposes, lots of rare tracks by The Genteels, The Tornadoes, The Truants, Never So Few (all unreleased), The Insects (featuring well-known guitar maker Wayne Charvel), The Light, Bob Summerour (2 unreleased tracks), Rubicon, Gerald Sanders (also unreleased), Jon & The Nightriders, Mike Methane And The Blue Flames (all unreleased) and Roy Swedeen are featured. 

Even the released tracks are either hard to find on CD or have never been digitized. There are lots of highlights on this astounding collection, including Rubicon’s hit single I’m Gonna Take Care Of Everything.



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