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Jimmy Carl Black - Where's The '$%&#@' Beer (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 12th May 2008

Label: Crossfire
Catalogue Number: 9508-2
Price: £7.99

Jimmy Carl Black - Where's The '$%&#@' Beer

One of Jimmy Carl Black's memorable lines in the film Frank Zappa's 200 Motels is the title of JCB's second CD in his compilation series.  Recordings from Geronimo Black (with Bunk Gardner and Don Preston), The Band's Robbie Robertson, The Mannish Boys, The Grandmothers, The Farrell & Black Band, The Muffin Men, The X-tra Comb and B.E.P. (with Roy Estrada) are represented along with a JCB interview segment covering his time before and during The Mothers of Invention with Frank Zappa.



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