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Don Preston - Vile Foamy Ectoplasm (CD)

Genre: Pop/Rock
Release Date: 14th April 2008

Label: Crossfire
Catalogue Number: 9505-2
Price: £7.99

Don Preston - Vile Foamy Ectoplasm

Originally released in Germany in 1993, Vile Foamy Ectoplasm reappears in a revised and expanded version covering recordings from 1967 to 2002.  This time Don Preston wanted to just include his own compositions.  Don't worry - the tracks Lady Queen Bee and Sweet 15 will appear on another Don Preston compilation.  Eight additional tracks have been included, featuring Loki (The Thrones of Saturn), whose gong sections were engineered by Frank Zappa, and recordings with Bunk Gardner, The Grandmothers and Don Preston's Akashic Ensemble.  Also featured is 15-minute tour de force from 1967-1968, Death Lights.



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