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Attrition - Esoteria (CD)

Genre: Goth/Indie
Release Date: 19th February 2007

Label: 2Gods
Catalogue Number: 4GODSCD
Price: £9.99

Attrition - Esoteria

“From the mesmerising and haunting classical strings to the unsettling dark ambient works this is a soundtrack to a film yet to be made….”

ESOTERIA: a 12 track collection of  ambient and classical recordings,  selected from their 25 year catalogue by main man Martin Bowes, this album showcases the best of ATTRITION’s ambient and classical works and includes many rare and unreleased versions.

A unique slice of an often overlooked side of  the output of one of the UK’s original gothic industrial groups…

Esoteria was originally released as a limited edition in Russia in 1999 and has become a much sought after item for many years…

This version two re-issue has an updated and expanded track listing bringing the selection up to date, and has been completely remastered.

The third release on the band’s newly formed label, Two Gods.

Cover artwork again by renowned US artist Matt Lombard.

ATTRITION are pioneers in a darker electronica. Formed in 1980 in Coventry, England, influenced by a mix of punk ideology and experimental art aesthetics, they emerged as part of the early '80s UK Industrial scene alongside contemporaries Coil, Test Department, Legendary Pink Dots, In The Nursery, Portion Control et al.
Founder Martin Bowes has steered the band through a 25 year career, fueled by a succession of critically acclaimed albums, live tours and appearances on a number of film soundtracks....

The band are currently touring Europe, the USA and central America in support of their recently released 25 year anniversary best of collection “Tearing arms from Deities…

Websites:  www.attrition.co.uk  www.myspace.com/danteskitchen

Contact:  info@attrition.co.uk



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