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Gonzo Latest News: AUBURN

Date Published: 23rd January 2014


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. The new Auburn album that I have been raving about for the last six months is finally here. If not it would seem like extraordinary lengths for singer Liz Lenten to go to get a hug off Rob Ayling!

Nashville really is an extraordinary album, and I am very much looking forward to next Tuesday when I get to see Liz and her compadres playing six songs from it live when they support the legendary Jefferson Starship in Wolverhampton.

But in the meantime, check out their page at Soundcloud. My fave is Hurtin'. Let me know what you think. However, there is more Liz Lenten below when she gives us some backstage updates from the Jefferson Starship tour.

Bloody hell, it's all happening here.

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