Help & Support
Technical or computer issues
For technical assistance with this web site, please see the section below - Trouble Ordering - and if you still have a problem please email us at
Other methods of ordering
If you don't want to use our online secure shopping cart to place your orders, you can use any of the methods listed below.
Please make Cheques, Postal Orders and International Money Orders payable to Gonzo Multimedia Ltd.
Thankyou for your Order.
By phone
0191 584 9144 (24hr)
USA (free):
1 8666 747 289
Germany (free):
08000 825 699
44 (0) 191 584 9144
By fax
0844 879 7861 or 0191 5840335
(Always use upper case and no other text on envelope!)
Our Postage Rates are as follows:
UK - first item £3.00 then £1.50 thereafter
Europe - £4.00 then £2.00 per item thereafter
USA/Canada - £5.00 then £2.50 per item thereafter
Rest of World - £5.00 then £2.50 per item thereafter
Trouble ordering?
If you are having trouble ordering from our site then we've noted the common problems below. If you're still having trouble we'd like to know about it so we can help. You can email or if we are online our live support can be found at
Common Problems
The most common problem we encounter is the user logging in and then being asked to log in again. In most cases this is caused by the web browser settings not accepting standard cookies or session cookies only. This problem can also occur with firewall settings where standard cookies are stripped out. Please note we are not talking about 3rd party cookies here - just standard ones that our web site sets to identify you for the the purposes of your login.
Fixing issues with cookies: Web browsers by default will accept the cookies that our web site sets, and you should either whitelist our url or change your settings to accept cookies other than just session cookies. Please note you will still NOT have to accept 3rd party cookies, which are the real problem ones which can track you for advertising purposes. We do NOT allow 3rd party cookies to be set by our site in respect of your privacy. Also, our standard cookies will automatically be deleted from your computer after one hour - we do not allow persistent logins.
Further Problems
If you are still having problems then we will likely need to know what web browser you are using to place your order (Internet Explorer 7+, Google Chrome and Firefox are all supported) or if you are trying on a hand held device. Also we'll need to know of any error messages that you see and exactly where the problem is occurring - please tell us which page (the url from the address bar) or which button is causing any problems, along with any other information you think may help and we'll do our best to assist you.
You may also place an order by phone if you wish - our details are at the top of this page.
Many thanks for your co-operation.