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Browse By Genre: Prog/ambient

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Displaying 1 to 3 of 3 items (page 1 of 1 pages)

Sky Architect - A Dying Man's Hymn (CD) £7.99

We were pleasantly surprised by Sky Architect’s very successful debut album released in 2010. Excavations of the Mind showed a young Dutchman with great potential. As young as they are, their...
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Spirits Burning and Clearlight - Healthy Music in Large Doses (CD) £9.99

Healthy Music In Large Doses is the latest offering from the Spirits Burning space rock collective, this time featuring keyboardist Cyrille “Clearlight” Verdeaux. ...
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The Green Violinist - More Thrill and Never Ending Blessings (CD) £9.99

Can you hear the elves in the wood or can you even see them? The Green Violinist start their new album More Thrill And Never-ending Blessings, dreamy, playfully and like in a fairytale. Fr...
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