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Shellshock Biography

Shellshock, the four-piece band from Watford, UK, who fuse metal with drum and bass blastbeats into their own unique, raucous 'E Metal' sound, are set to release their debut studio album Laws Of Rebellion.

Shellshock were formed in 2000 by four driven individuals who wanted to strive to create a unique, flawless sound in music by fusing the styles of dark DnB and aggressive, in your face Metal. Their pulsating, energy-driven live shows soon saw them ramming local venues to the rafters. More highly successful UK shows followed with the band being offered to support Skindred on a 26-date tour. The fiery live show attracted the attention of the rock press:

'Fusing drum and bass with corrosive industrial metal, their set is a furious assault upon the senses'
                                                                                  - Rock sound -live review


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